In a highly competitive election year, IVC Media and its President, Chad Peace, have been recognized for some of the most prestigious consulting and digital media awards in the country, including Peace being recognized as one of the "40 Under 40" to watch in the industry.
Read Press ReleaseDonald Fowler, Branch Owner of Worden Capital Management congratulates Alex Gallagher as the newest Series 7 licensed representative in Rockville Centre.
Read Press ReleaseActor Chad Lindberg teams up with Ghost Hunts USA at Old South Pittsburg Hospital in an epic battle of good vs. evil. The event is an overnight ghost hunt where guests can not only watch the battle play out but take part in the investigation of discovering what lurks in the dark abyss of the abandoned hospital.
Read Press ReleaseBut can they? Mouth Breathers don't breath through their nose, due to a misguided tongue. The Medical and Dental worlds have joined forces to comprehensively treat young children with a safe, FDA Approved, Non-pharmaceutical approach that re-trains the tongue, stops Bed-wetting, Snoring, ADD/ADHD behaviors, Allergies and straightens teeth without braces.
Read Press ReleaseMerging Medical and Dental for the 9 out of 10 children caught in the middle, to address the serious symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing that threatens their future health reports HealthyStart™️.
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