Illinois-based law firm Sexner & Associates has launched a DUI Sentence Calculator to help educate people on what they may face when they are getting charged with a DUI. It can also illustrate the various circumstances that can lead to serious fines and imprisonment.
Read Press ReleaseJailed Blogger Darren Chaker reversed his conviction in federal court on First Amendment grounds where he said "Ms. Leesa Fazal, an investigator with the Nevada Attorney General's Office, was "forced out" of her previous post with the Las Vegas Police Department." Supporters included Cato Institute, ACLU of San Diego, Electronic Frontier Foundation, First Amendment Coalition, and Univ. of Florida
Read Press ReleaseIgualdad Animal se convierte en la primera organización en acceder a la industria lechera en México y revela una crueldad impactante. Inseminación artificial, separación de crías, corte de cuernos, ordeña y finalmente el matadero son las escenas que han grabado los investigadores en distintas granjas del país.
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