Progress Made Possible Conference on Dec. 3-5 is being hosted by IBHI, with support from the Mental Health Foundation.
Read Press ReleaseThe New York Times first reported Whole Foods CEO John Mackey's association with spiritual leader Marc Gafni, a former rabbi accused of sexual abuse. The Times reported Gafni describing one of his accusers: "She was 14 going on 35, and I never forced her." The Washington Post reported on protests at Whole Foods stores in NYC and LA. Mackey issued a statement of loyalty to Gafni.
Read Press ReleaseWith more than one in four American adults possessing a criminal record, families looking to safeguard loved ones from potential criminals now offered a formidable tool; search feature accessible on-the-go and from any mobile device.
Read Press ReleaseStudies show definitively that crime-prompted calls for police at convenience stores far outnumber those by topless clubs, despite the common misconception nightclubs generate violent crime.
Read Press ReleaseThe Church of Scientology Community Center was the site of a historic summit of gang leaders held Sunday, July 17, in the name of peace. Now a new video and weekly conflict resolution meetings are giving a future and substance to the dream shared by the 2,500 people who attended the summit.
Read Press ReleaseVolunteers at the Criminon Center in Clearwater, Florida, say that with a few hours each week you can do something effective to reduce crime. Help close the "revolving door" through which prisoners return to a life of crime and wind up back in jail.
Read Press ReleaseHundreds of horses are being neglected, some beaten and abused in the Grand Canyon. SAVE Havasu launches a campaign to boycott their use and raise public awareness to elucidate the link between animal violence and child abuse and to reduce the violence against these defenseless creatures.
Read Press ReleaseParents can easily become overwhelmed with the day to day care of a child with special needs, and even more overwhelmed at trying to figure out how to care for that child long after the death of the parent, leading to sometimes tragic results. It is possible for parents to take real steps that will make a tremendous difference in their child's future life.
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