While the United States is getting prepared once again for the Big Game on February 12th, few are aware that last year there were more than 45,000 gun violence victims.
Read Press Release"Year-after-year of Medicare funding cuts to independent medical practices must be stopped, and we will continue our congressional advocacy efforts to implement long-term solutions, like inflationary adjustments for independent providers," said Bob Still, Executive Director of the Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA).
Read Press Release"Congress must stop these double-digit, devastating cuts to independent Medicare doctors and their patients to ensure all Americans receive affordable, quality healthcare," said Bob Still, Executive Director of the RBMA.
Read Press ReleaseThe Climate-Smart Connected Ag Project will test and evaluate a producer-centric model for accelerating the adoption of data management practices to help farmers and ranchers participate in climate-smart agriculture and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Read Press ReleaseThe staggering multi-trillion dollar global illicit economy is thriving from dirty money derived from an array of cross-border smuggling and trafficking crimes. Free trade zones, poorly regulated ports, ineffective enforcement of beneficial ownership laws and secretive financial hubs are threat multipliers that expand dark commerce, as criminals exploit cracks and seams in the global financial and trading systems to advance illicit trade and hide their profits. No one alone can fight illicit economies; public-private partnerships are critical.
Read Press ReleaseLargest convening of adult educators provides leadership, professional development, advocacy, and networking opportunities for attendees.
Read Press ReleaseAdditional Speakers: Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General, Dr. Steven Hotze, CRTX News Publisher, Vidal Martinez, Republican Candidate for County Judge to Replace Lina Hidalgo, and more
Read Press ReleaseWith new vehicles having traction control systems, carbon fiber, aluminum frames and other expensive computer technology, motorists have no idea about which towing companies to use, so they depend on the roadside assistance towing programs to help get vehicles safely to a dealership or repair facility. However, roadside assistance towing programs are the worst to use because they are looking to make a profit and fail to pay rates that cover training for new technology, possess proper equipment and fail to meet legal standards.
Read Press ReleaseHarvard Mathematicians using Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain and Neural Networks on a Quantum Computer have developed breakthrough algorithms and simulations that will enable the world's most efficient Fusion Energy Power Plants to be opened 20 years earlier than planned with a Q40 Mechanical Gain by Kronos Fusion Energy Algorithms
Read Press ReleaseIf elected governor of California, Dr. Brandon Ross states his goal of replacing Senator Diane Feinstein with an under-represented female democrat, should Feinstein resign her position.
Read Press ReleaseOn June 25th, 2021, at 9 am (EST), several of the National Buffalo Soldiers Associations and affiliated organizations, including Buffalo Soldiers descendants, will present a Proclamation in support of the descendants of the Wounded Knee Massacre and passage of the Remove the Stain Act at the Native American Veterans Memorial in Washington DC.
Read Press ReleaseIn response to the call for emissions reduction, there has been a wave of policies banning the future sale of internal combustion engines (ICEs) across the globe. Given the size of the transportation market, these policies will have broad implications for affected markets and require a great deal of forethought.
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