The Importance Of A Press Kit
Learning the importance of a press kit helps you understand the value behind gained advertising. Word of mouth is still the number one way of advertising. Word of mouth also has the greatest rate of follow-through. Building a strong press kit will allow you to begin making the appearances that can snowball into that word of mouth exposure.
Top Reasons to Create a Press Kit for Your Business
– It gives journalists a place to start. Publications are always looking for story ideas and for sources to further a current story line. A press kit can help them find the information they need with one simple step and the easier it is the more likely the journalists will be to utilize your or your information in the story.
– It is more than a press kit. Think of this as your basic information packet. It provides the story of who the business really is and the mission behind the business. It might be more accurate to say an expanded business card or a basic business bio when describing the importance of a press kit.
– A press kit introduces you to others in the industry or in related industries. A strong press kit could be the way that a door is opened. It will let others know how your business will benefit them. A press kit can be used as a powerful way to make those initial connections.
– Leveraging your unique brand begins with the press kit. How you word the press kit to what images you utilize in the press kit will all say something about your brand and about your business. Your press kit is the snapshot of your business that you want to present to the world.
– Potential advertisers or sponsors will be searching for areas to get involved. A press kit can lead them in the direction of your business. The information that you produce in your press kit is a lot like a resume with a personality. It shows the ‘what’ of the business while also exposing the heart.
– The press kit you create gives your business the chance to stand out. You may be in a market with other competitors, but you bring something unique to the field. The press release helps you highlight that uniqueness.
There are a wide range of directions to take when creating your press kit. It should start with the brand and follow through with the mission of the business. It needs to stand out from the crowd of press kits that are available, but in ways that are intriguing and enticing to others in the industry, to potential advertisers or sponsors, and to the press.
Creating a powerful press release is not just for larger commercial companies. Every business – online or brick and mortar – will benefit from the creation of a press kit. The more you understand about press kits, the more you will recognize the importance of a press kit for your business.