Should You Use Software To Write Your Press Release?
Press releases are an inexpensive and highly effective marketing tactic. It makes good sense to look for ways to streamline and maximize the press release writing process. One potential approach to making press release writing more efficient, and possibly more effective, is to use a software program to write the release. There are benefits and downsides to using software.
Plug and Go
Press release software programs essentially work like MadLibs or Templates. They tell you what information they need, you fill in the blanks, and you receive a completed press release. The press release will be perfectly formatted for the media and Internet distribution. Some press release software programs also help you add pictures, videos, graphs and charts. This makes it easy to share on social media and adds important visual interest to your releases.
SEO Optimization
While not all press release software programs offer this option, the services that do make it worthwhile. Some can tell you the strength of the keywords that you are using. They’ll relate competitive information for the keyword and help you find related keywords to help you improve the SEO for your release. Backlinks that you get from your release to your website help increase your search ranking.
Too Cookie Cutter
The problem with many press release software programs is that they are too uniform. They don’t allow or encourage you to share your message with your unique voice, or using the particular language your audience best responds to. It’s easy for every single press release you write to begin blending into one another. They all start to look and sound the same.
Often, a simple template helps you write a well-structured press release that also embraces the language and values of your organization.
It’s Not Free
One of the benefits of adding press releases to your marketing strategy is that it is a low cost, or free, method. Press release software isn’t free. The software companies usually offer a free trial, but the cost for some solutions is as high as $500 a month.
Controlled Distribution
Some press release software offer distribution services as well. However, you can’t control where the release is distributed. It’s sent to the service’s media connections and newswires. You have a much better chance of achieving your press release marketing goals if you send your release to your specific targeted media outlets – people and organizations that match your audience needs, interests, and goals.
The Best of Both Worlds
Consider creating a press release template or using a template you find online. This can serve as your guideline while still allowing you the freedom to craft original press releases that appeal to your audience. Use a distribution service to make sure your release is well positioned. You can invest in press release software; however the benefits may not be worth the cost.