Create An Author Press Release That Will Get The Attention Of Media

An attention grabbing author press release can grab the eyes of the media and push your story to the front of the line. Media outlets are always on the lookout for new story ideas, but they are also bombarded with hundreds of press releases. A story about a new book will not be enough to break out of the ranks, but finding the catch or the more for your press release can be one of the keys to getting the attention of media outlets.

Keys for an Author Press Release

1. Unlock your unique story. The writing of a novel is not a novel – but how you accomplished the task or the material within the cover will be unique to you. Write out several ideas about your book and your journey and then hone in on one for the basis of your author press release.

2. Create a catchy title. The title needs to be strong or shocking enough to get the media professionals to read more but be sure that you can fulfill the promise of the headline within the story.

3. Edit and then edit some more. A clean and precise press release can be one of the best keys to getting and keeping the attention of the media outlets.

4. Research the media outlets. Each media outlet will have a unique lean, voice, and audience. You need to be certain that your press release matches the media outlet that you are querying.

5. Write crisp and original content. It needs to be more than words. The words need to be unique and powerful. Avoid clichés, repetitive sayings, or other tired content.

6. Write a story – not an ad. Ads can be a part of your marketing plan, but they must never make their way into your earned media plans. Tell a story that will connect with readers and with the media professionals and they will be more apt to share with others.

7. Connect the story with an activity or event in the community. Offer to speak at a local library or organization, and then connect that story to the release of your book. The more the story is about others, the better the chance that media outlets will be interested in adding the story to their publications.

8. Stick to the traditional format. The media industry has a set format for press releases and you need to stick to that format. It is acceptable to get creative and unique with the content but not with the formatting.

The work behind writing a book can seem overwhelming at times, but even after the book is complete the work in supporting that book will continue. Getting the word out about your writing requires getting over the noise of other news, authors, and companies. Investing time in crafting strong press releases that target specific markets can be some of the keys you need to create an author press release that will get the attention of media.

Contact us to learn more how we can help you reach your target market and media. 1-800-713-7278

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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