Why Knowing Your Audience is Important for Your Press Release

For any content marketing piece, it’s important to know who is reading your work. Creating content without knowing you are writing for is a little like painting someone’s house without knowing what color they want it painted. Getting to know your audience can exponentially increase the traction your press release campaign receives.


Why is knowing your audience important to writing a press release?

It’s important to know if you’re writing for specific audiences so you know how to display the news.

Here are a Few Examples:

Journalists: Keeping journalistic writing in mind is the best way to organize your content. It’s important to know if you’re writing for specific audiences so you know how to display the news.

Media: If you are writing for new media, such as bloggers, you can use more conversational or story-telling writing.

SEO Optimization: Writing for Search Engines is far different than writing for actual people. Keywords are essentially the most important part of your content. Make sure to use keywords that relevantly rank in your space.

Public: Writing for a broad audience can be difficult. You are trying to grasp everyone’s attention, even those who do not normally have interest in your company. When writing for the public, conversational tone and a specific call to action should be included in your writing.

Knowing who is reading your content can also help you realize which “hooks” or types of stories are working the best for that audience.

If you want more readers who fall into a certain demographic, then you can use your analytics to focus in your content that is more appealing to them. For example, if you launch a product for local service providers, you want to focus your content to appeal to the local market and their specific industries and interests.

In addition to knowing WHO is reading your press release, it’s also important to know WHERE they’re reading it.

If you’re creating content for a local market, but many of your readers are across the country, or even international, then it’s important to create future content with more local keywords – and probably submitting to more local publications or sites, and vice versa. If you want to expand beyond your local market and audience, include keywords that relate to the broader audience segment and topics in your press releases. Then submit it to nationally known sites, publications, stations, channels, and other outlets.

Knowing who is reading your press releases can also help with knowing who is SHARING your announcements. This can help you track how your campaigns are going and which are being shared the most – which is adding to your audience without much effort on promoting the content yourself (other than the initial time writing the press release and submitting the press release to your contact list).

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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