Top Points to Prepare a Powerful Press Release

Getting attention for your story requires the addition of elements that will prepare a powerful press release for the media outlets. The goal is to get the attention of the media professionals so that they will use your story in their publications. But you also want to create a story that the readers will want to share with others. The more people are talking about your story, the more earned media you gain from the investment in the press release.

The information highway is a crowded place, and there are few breaks in the traffic. You have to be bigger, bolder, faster, or brighter if you want to stand out from the crowd. Hitting on a few top points while preparing your content can be the key to finding your competitive edge.

Know What Matters in a Press Release

Structure – The basics matter when it comes to preparing a powerful press release. Proper grammar, correct spelling, and even formatting choices all tell media professionals something about your story. It is important to have several people review the story before you send out the press release. Aggressive editing will help you present a professional product that media outlets will be more apt to share with their subscribers, readers, or audience.

Story – People want to know what is in it for them, so your press release needs to include a story that engages the reader, enhances their day, or in some way provides value to them. It must be about more than an announcement. Find an element within your story that can provide the reader more, and then craft your press release around that element.

Style – People are creatures of habit, and media outlets are all run by people. That means that your press release must fall into the basic structure of a press release to be taken seriously by the media professionals. Basic structure includes: contact info, release date, headline, subhead line, first paragraph, body, closing paragraph, end notation (# # #), and additional notes.

Everyone has a story to tell, and most of them are actively trying to get others to share their story. You are up against a crowd of press releases that could be causing information overload in the emails of media professionals. 

You want to break through the noise and the masses by developing a press release that will grab and keep the attention of the media outlets you are targeting. It begins with solid structure that is grammatically correct and is free from errors. Add a story that has a powerful or compelling hook to make sure that you keep the attention of the people you are targeting. Follow the industry style to insure that the story is told in the way that you have designed. 

Earned media allows you to stretch your marketing budget. Sticking to these three elements for your story will allow you to consistently develop powerful press releases for your business, your products, and your employees. 

Access your free guide: How to Write a Press Release

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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