Press Release Video Dos and Don’ts

Press releases have changed over the past decade. In fact, they’ve changed quite a lot over the past few years. You can now share, comment on, and link to press releases in social media. Press releases also now contain an abundance of supplemental material, including case studies, infographics and videos. If there was one thing that you could add to your press release marketing, it should be video.

Journalists respond to video and tend to favor releases with it. And press releases with video tend to perform better than those without. However, it’s important that your press release video follows these dos and don’ts.

Do Make Sure Your Topic Is Relevant

Many businesses are in a hurry. They want to include video in their release, but they don’t have time to create a new one. Their solution..? They simply link to a video that they already have. Unfortunately, that video is often not relevant to the topic of their press release or their news. This is a mistake. It’s better to skip the video than to link to one that isn’t relevant.

Don’t Wing It

Don’t whip up a quick video without a plan. Make sure that any video that you create has been strategically planned. Remember that the media is going to be reviewing this press release. What impression do you want them to have of you and your company? Create a content plan, write a script, and produce a video. It doesn’t take much time to take these steps, and the return on investment is worth that time.

Do Tag the Link

Video is something that is searchable. If you publish the video on YouTube, for example, then someone be able to find it when they search for your information. Create a complete and compelling description of your video, including tags and keywords. Allow your press release video to do double duty. It can drive traffic to your website and improve SEO, search engine optimization, while also supporting your press release marketing campaign.

Don’t Forget the Audio

It’s important that both your audio and your lighting are good quality. You want your listeners and viewers to be able to both see and hear you. Spend some time finding the best location for your video filming and make sure you’re using a good quality microphone.

Do Embed

Consider embedding the video on your blog or website rather than linking to your YouTube channel. This looks a bit more professional. It also drives traffic to your website. It can be embedded right into a media page or a list of videos available for the media to view.

Video is an important part of your press release marketing strategy. Take the time to create professional videos that help you achieve your goals. Leverage those videos to help grow your business and attract media attention.

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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