Leveraging Digital Content To Boost Your Media Relations

There are a number of ways to leverage your digital content in order to boost your media relations. If youíve been in business for more than 3 months, chances are your website/blog is already a treasure trove of content that you can re-purpose and re-package in a range of ways in order to use them to improve your media relations and build your brand.


The principle of leveraging

Once you start creating content for your website or blog, it is important to treat this content as a valuable asset that can be used in a number of formats, for a number of different goals.

In terms of written content, for example, keyworded content will drive free traffic. It can also convince people to subscribe to your newsletter so you can build a relationship with them over time. It can even act as a free sample that will show prospective customers the quality of the products you are selling and/or your commitment to good customer service.

When you leverage, you are taking the same information but putting it in different formats in order to:

a. make the most of your knowledge and research

b. offer content to your audience in a range of formats, in the hope, that one or more might resonate with them

c. hope for media pickups and pass-alongs, in which your audience gets so excited about your content that they pass it along to others

What can you leverage?

Just about any piece of content can be leveraged. An article can become:

-A guest blog post
-A top 10 list
-A checklist
-Frequently Asked Questions
-A fact sheet
-How to guide
-PowerPoint presentation
-Transcript for a speech
-Chapter in an ebook
-Lesson or lecture in an online course paid or free
-A quiz

And so on.

The media is always on the lookout for fresh, interesting content, so offering them leveraged content that you ëdress upí for their purposes can get you the kind of media relations you want and the coverage you need to stand out from the crowd.

High-quality images

Journalists are always looking for good photos, charts, diagrams and more. Create a watermarked version on the media page at your site but offer the chance to use an un-watermarked version if they give you credit in the form of a link back.


Infographics are very popular these days. They show complex information in an interesting and attractive way. Take the time to leverage your top 10 list into an infographic, for example, and see how many pickups you get.


Short, sharp, interesting videos created from your PowerPoint decks or top 10 lists, for example, are ideal. Give journalists the embed code and be sure your URL is in the video at least twice, at the start and at the end.

Now that you know how to leverage your existing digital content and repurpose it in order to boost your media relations, check out your traffic logs to see what your most popular articles, posts, images, videos and so on are, and start creating the kind of digital assets that media reps will be excited to get their hands on.

Call us today to speak to one of our PR specialists: 1-800-713-7278

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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