Connect With The Community To Create Strong Press Releases

Get out and connect with the community to create strong press releases for your small business. Media outlets are looking for stories with a local focus. Making time to get involved with different events or groups within the community can be the best way to get noticed by the media outlets and to get your press release shared.

Press releases with a community focus are attractive to the media professionals because local news is engaging to local readers. You can use these introductions to the readers to begin building your business brand.

Tips for Connecting with the Community

Get involved with volunteer activities around the community. Clean up a section of highway or commit to keeping up the landscaping in a section of town. Look for volunteer opportunities that relate to your industry or to your products. The more specialized the volunteer work, the easier it will be to translate that activity into a strong press release.

Highlight the activities and accomplishments of the people in your company that live within the community. Personal stories help to engage readers. Journalists and editors are seeking out those engaging stories.

Become a sponsor for a special event in the community or step up and create a community focused event. It could be an awareness program or a block party. Any events that bring the community together provide excellent material for press releases.

Reach out to the youth in the community. Set up intern positions through the local high schools or local community colleges. Highlight these interns in press releases. Be sure to get quotes from the current interns about the benefits of taking an intern position and also the benefits of working with you and your company specifically.

Team up with other community leaders. Step up to positions on boards or committees to help guide the direction of the community. The more that you are involved in the community, the more opportunities you will create for developing press releases that include that involvement and also information about your company.

Teach a class or workshop. You have something to share with others – from your experience within your industry to the details involved with building up a small business. Talk with the local community center or community colleges about teaching a class on some of these topics.

Be on the watch for ways to get involved in the community. Press releases that are connected to the local community are enticing to journalists and editors. They are searching for stories to share with their readers that are connected to their readers. Some smaller publications only feature stories that are directly related to their community.

You will probably not be in a position to put all of these ideas into practice in your small business. Find the ideas that work best for you and your company and begin building from that. Getting involved within the community not only creates opportunities for press releases, but it also builds your brand within the community organically. Part of your marketing strategy should be to connect with the community to create a strong press release.

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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