Vanquish Marketing Leaders Travel to Bahamas
Rancho Cucamonga, CA, November 27, 2015 ( - “Without a doubt, it will be a wonderful excursion,” said Chris, Vanquish Marketing’s director of operations. “Among the many benefits will be valuable learning about matters such as market trends, consumer behavior, strategic planning, and more. The team members who qualify to attend will surely return to the office full of useful insights.”
Chris explained that the international travel opportunity serves as an ideal reward for the Vanquish Marketing Associates who exceeded expectations throughout the year. Further, attendees will get to know some of the key players in the industry. The bonds they form will be beneficial far into the future, beginning with the best practices and insights they share with one another.
"This adventure will also be great for team-building purposes,"
Chris , Director of Operations
“This adventure will also be great for team-building purposes,” Chris stated. “Building a cohesive group of professionals is easier when the individuals involved have formed strong personal bonds with each other. My colleagues and I are committed to maintaining a supportive and empowering team-focused culture in which all group members thrive. As a result, they are more efficient and innovative. Having fun in a tropical location while becoming closer is an added bonus!”
Vanquish Marketing’s Leader Shares Top Travel Tips
According to Chris, some of the Vanquish Marketing associates have yet to become seasoned travelers. He is helping them become acclimated to the experience by sharing his favorite stress-reducing travel tips. “Flights are delayed, people become pushy, and being on the road (or in the air) can be downright exhausting,” he said. “It’s best to prepare for all the possibilities.”
“For example, at the beginning of every flight the helpful attendants give their routine safety speeches,” Chris indicated. “They also point out the seat pockets available for passengers to store their personal items. You see them on the backs of the seats in front of you. I do admit that they are helpful for storing things like eyeglasses, passports, and cell phones. Unfortunately, however, it’s incredibly easy to forget items in those pockets. Avoid using them at all costs.”
“Even before boarding, I also suggest scanning the lines at security,” Chris concluded. “Avoid getting behind people with layers of clothing, lots of pockets, and lace-up boots. You’ll be waiting a while! Instead, look for the people who are moving steadily and wearing slip-on shoes. Trust me!”
About Vanquish Marketing
Vanquish Marketing Group is a high-performance marketing firm with years of experience in the promotional events industry. Their skilled team of branding specialists has the talent and training to design on-site promotions that generate lasting brand growth, impressive consumer engagement, and increased revenues. As a result, they have built a reputation of success and flexibility that has allowed them to expand into new regions and customize consumer events to meet specific client objectives. Their dedication to core values has separated Vanquish Marketing Group from their competition, and their commitment to excellence means that they will continue to help businesses expand and grow.