California Poised to Pass Extensive Carbon Emissions Regulations, Says Get My Auto

Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign carbon emissions standards that will be the nation's most stringent, says Get My Auto.

​​California has long been known for its rigorous approach to the reduction of toxic carbon emissions. Soon, the state may take its eco-responsibility a step further, passing carbon emission guidelines that will stand as the most thorough in the entire United States. The legislation in question has already passed the California State Assembly and Senate, and is expected to be signed into law by California Governor Jerry Brown. Get My Auto has released a new statement to the press, commenting on the legislation and what it might mean for California drivers.

"Tough emissions standards are nothing new for the State of California," comments Get My Auto. "If anything, this new bill builds on existing standards. For motorists—especially those driving newer vehicles—these new regulations shouldn't cause too much concern. In fact, many Californians will be happy to know that the state government continues to push the envelope as far as environmental friendliness."

The new climate laws build on legislation that was passed in 2006, and stood at the time as the nation's most rigorous guidelines for carbon emissions, both from vehicles as well as from industrial applications. The 2006 laws called for carbon emissions levels to be dropped to 1990s-levels by 2020; the new law extends that vision through 2030.

"With these bills, California's charting a clear path on climate beyond 2020 and we'll continue to work to shore up the cap-and-trade program, reduce super pollutants and direct more investment to disadvantaged communities," comments Brown.

Not everyone shares his enthusiasm, and the legislation has drawn opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA), and some oil and gas companies.

"California is on track to meet our 2020 climate change goals," says Dorothy Rothrock, the president of CMTA. "There is no need to pass a 2030 goal right now and many reasons to wait until we get the policies right."

Despite the controversy, Get My Auto says the legislation will have minimal impact on drivers. "Motorists can expect the same kind of emissions testing they are familiar with already—but beyond that, daily impact should be small," says the Get My Auto press statement.

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Source: Get My Auto