Auto Industry Sees Declining Sales in September, Reports Orange County Based Get My Auto

September's auto sales brought a slight decline over the previous year. Get My Auto, a leading automotive website, offers commentary.

​​New sales data shows that the auto industry took a slight decline in the month of September, sales rates dropping when compared to their standing one year ago. Though this news sounds negative at first blush, it is more complex than first meets the eye. Orange County based automotive site Get My Auto has issued a statement to the press, commenting on these new sales numbers.

“The news is suboptimal, but it’s certainly not grim,” says the Get My Auto press statement. “Sales have fallen off a little, but only a little. The industry is still on track for a solid 2016.”

September sales figures bear this out. “The annual selling rate this month was 17.8 million, which is very robust, but down from the 18.1 million pace in September 2015,” reports The Detroit Free Press. “Sales for the next several months likely will fall short of year-earlier levels that ranged between 18.1 million and 18.2 million.”

It is predicted that, when all is said and done, Americans will have bought 17.3 new vehicles in 2016—down from 17.5 million last year, but up considerably from 10.4 million in 2009, during the heart of the Great Recession.

An important question to ask is why sales are dropping off. Part of the issue could be price. “We know from our own analysis that consumers are wary of high prices, which have risen considerably in recent years,” shares Get My Auto. “Dealerships are having to incentivize like never before, while more and more buyers are opting for used cars and used trucks, instead.”

Ultimately, Get My Auto says the auto industry is in all right shape for now, but may have bigger problems down the road.

“This slight drop-off in sales is acceptable, but if auto makers do not get pricing under control, they will start to lose more and more business to used car dealerships,” Get My Auto explains.

Get My Auto is a blog devoted to all things automotive, and seeks to empower consumers and dealers alike. Follow Get My Auto on social media to learn more.

Orange County based Get My Auto is an informational website about used vehicles. Its aim is to educate consumers about their pre-owned vehicle choices. Content on the site includes automotive reviews, cost data, and general tips about seeking out and purchasing used vehicles. More information can be found on the Web at Get My Auto is headquartered in Orange County, California.

Get My Auto in Orange County
17901 Von Karman, Suite 667 
Irvine, CA 92614

Source: Get My Auto