Press Release Tips for Authors

Authors of fiction and non-fiction have a difficult job. Whether you’re self-published or traditionally published, whether you have eBooks, print books, audio books or some combination, it is your job to promote your book. Sure, if you’re traditionally published you might get an advertisement in a magazine or a mention in an article. 

However, by and large, the author is responsible for making sales and promoting their book. Most authors are not marketers. They would much rather write than market. Press releases can help make the marketing process both easier and more successful. 

Let’s take a look at the many different opportunities an author has to issue and distribute a press release. 

1. Issue a press release when you publish your book. If it’s fiction, share a bit about the story and why it’s different. Also be sure to include quotes from reviews and links to buy the book.

2. Hold a contest. Many authors hold contests or sweepstakes to help promote their books. For example, a cookbook author might host a drawing and give away a copy of the book or some cookware. You can use a press release to announce the drawing or contest, and to build awareness for the book.

3. Announce a book signing. Many authors hold public and online or virtual book signings. These are often well attended and can be quite fun. The author can use a press release to announce the book signing. If it’s at a local bookstore, the release can be distributed to local papers, but it may also make sense to share it online via a distribution service. If it’s a virtual book signing event, then an online press release distribution service makes great sense.

4. Sales goals. If you achieve your sales goals or bestseller status or some other notable award or accomplishment, then that is worthy of an announcement and a press release. Of course, the more you can tie it into a benefit for your readers or make it newsworthy, the better results you’ll have.

5. Event attendance. Many authors are active in their industry or their writing community. For example, a cookbook author might attend local food events or conferences for writers or even chefs. Fiction authors often attend writers’ conferences or industry conferences for readers. Some of the events are online and some are offline. When an author attends an event, even if they don’t have a book that’s been recently published, they should issue a press release. It helps keep your name in the media and builds awareness for you as an author.

6. New format launch. Some authors start out with digital books and then release their book in another format, such as print or audio. When this happens, it’s an ideal opportunity to issue a press release.  You’ll likely see sales for all books and all formats increase. 

Authors have two jobs. They have to create their products and sell them. It’s a tough job and press releases can help. Look for opportunities to connect with your readers, build an audience and use the media and press releases to help.

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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