How to Get Press for Your Crowdfunding Campaign

You put a lot of time, energy, and effort into your crowdfunding campaign. You’ve likely also already spent a good deal of money getting your company up and running. The next steps are to raise funds and generate interest, and an effective campaign can do all of that for you and much more. However, to really get a good return and to have the launch that you desire, a bit of press and publicity can go a long way. But getting that press isn’t always easy. The following tips and ideas will help you get the press you want for your crowdfunding campaign.


  1. Write a Spectacular Press Release – Know what you have to offer and how it benefits your audience. Write a press release about that. Know why your audience and journalists will care, and focus on that nugget in your release. That’s your story, not the crowdfunding campaign itself.
  2. Targeted Journalists – Hand pick a few journalists who would be interested in writing about your information. You’ll need to do some research here and find journalists who write for your industry and cover new business. Then, send each of the journalists a personalized pitch. Tell them what your story is and why it would benefit their audience. Note: don’t send a pitch to more than one reporter at any given publication. Make sure to send the pitch a week or two before your launch and before you distribute your press release.
  3. Distribute the Press Release – Leverage a distribution service to get your press release into the hands of bloggers and mainstream media.
  4. Leverage Social Media – Create a social media focused press release and leverage a distribution service that supports this. A press release that has images, video, and social connect and share buttons can take your press release to the next level. Social media is required for a press release to go viral. And for your campaign to get the press and attention that you want, it should get as many likes, shares, and attention as possible. Additionally, this is a key way to grab the attention of the media. If your release is getting attention on social media, they are likely to pay more attention.
  5. Hire Help – If you have no idea how to write a press release, how to initiate research and outreach with the media, or you just don’t have the time (it’s understandable, you are launching a business), then hire help. Look to hire a press release writer or strategist. You can find good help at a distribution service or look to an outside agency.

A crowdfunding press release and connection to key media influencers can help you get the press and attention you want for your crowdfunding campaign. Once it’s off the ground, consider continuing to leverage the power of the press with subsequent press releases and continued relationship building with reporters and the media. Your company is going to be around for a long time and it’s never too early to build good relationships with the press.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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