Unfinished Business - Ghost Hunting With Demons

South Pittsburg, Tennessee, August 2, 2017 (Newswire.com) - Unfinished business. This is a phrase that is often applied to the paranormal world. Is this why spirits linger? Do they wander aimlessly, haunting the living until they are able to fulfill some purpose that was unattainable in life? But it is not just a phrase that pertains to those who have left this mortal coil. Investigators often return to a location time and again because there are answers that they keep missing. It just so happens that actor Chad Lindberg (Fast and the Furious, October Sky, Supernatural, and more), has some unfinished business at Old South Pittsburg Hospital.
On August 11th-12th, Chad will team up with Ghost Hunts USA in South Pittsburg, Tennessee to finish the battle that began in March. It was a harrowing experience for all those present, Staff and guests alike. There is so much more that needs to be uncovered and the only way to achieve this goal is to take the demon by the horns. (literally)
Old South Pittsburg Hospital is a hotbed of activity for the paranormal world. It sits atop solid Limestone with a natural spring that runs beneath the foundation feeding into a still existent well from a former plantation that used to occupy the land. Many paranormal investigators believe that these two geological characteristics create the perfect storm of natural energy that charges the atmosphere and allows spirits the ability to manifest.
The land has also played host to a bloody history. During the Civil War, the area was occupied by the Cherokee who traded openly with the Union Soldiers allowing them to store artillery and supplies on the forested land. When the Confederate troops learned of the outpost they indiscriminately slaughtered those involved, saturating the soil with the lifeblood of both Native Americans and Union Soldiers.
After the war, a plantation was built on the site. In the early 1920’s the plantation burned to the ground and in its destruction, seven children tragically lost their lives. Many investigators believe this is why there have been so many spirits of children encountered through EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) and photographs at Old South Pittsburg Hospital.
South Pittsburg Hospital served the people of the area from 1959 to 1998 but the hauntings did not wait until the doors were closed to the public. Many accounts from former nurses, doctors, employees, and patients suggest that the spirits were already roaming the corridors and up to all sorts of hijinks when the hospital was in full operation.
Perhaps the most notable spirit that visitors have encountered is commonly known as the 7-foot-man. This is an entity that lurks the third-floor corridor slamming doors, shoving people into walls, growling and demanding that anyone who dares to roam that area “GET OUT!” It is the professional opinion of the Ghost Hunts USA Staff and other experienced investigators that the large figure is not a former doctor as several have claimed but, in fact, was never human.
When confronting this entity, Chad Lindberg was under attack in front of several guests as witnesses. Many would have backed down and handed a victory to this demon, but not Mr. Lindberg. He is returning to the scene, filled with light and love, ready to finish what that entity started.
Source: Ghost Hunts USA