Releases List of DIY Hair Tips for Top Models

Great hair is one of many keys to success in the modeling business. And, since you can never be sure just why you booked a job, you'll want to cover your bases, leaving no leaf unturned-and no mane untamed.

Great hair is one of many keys to success in the modeling business. And, since you can never be sure just why you booked a job, you'll want to cover your bases, leaving no leaf unturned-and no mane untamed. So, to help you achieve the best head of hair you can have, the people at (that's right; the same site that brought you Kim Kardashian: Divorce Becomes Her) have consulted Woman's Day's recent list of "Homemade Hair Treatments" and picked some they think top models simply can't live without:

Raw Egg Two-In-One Shampoo/Conditioner For All Hair
An egg's yolk is full of fats and proteins, which makes it a great moisturizer, while the whites (full of bacteria-killing enzymes) remove those nasty looking oils from your hair. What more could you ask for?

Woman's Day Says: For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair. For oily hair, use only egg whites. For dry, brittle hair, use only egg yolks. Use 1/2 cup of whichever egg mixture is appropriate for you and apply to clean, damp hair. If there isn't enough egg to coat scalp and hair, use more as needed. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water (to prevent egg from "cooking") and shampoo hair. Whole egg and yolk-only treatments can be applied once a month; white-only treatment can be applied every two weeks.

Dull Hair Be Gone
Bouncing around town amidst air pollution (not to mention the styling products you cake on to counter it all) can leave hair looking dull and dry. Who knew the easiest fix was in the dairy department?

Woman's Day Says: Massage 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt into damp hair and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, followed by cool water, then shampoo hair as you normally would. Treatment can be applied every other week.

Nothing Limp Above the Shoulders
Beer may give some guys issues with limpness, but when it comes to women's hair care, the fermented beverage has the opposite effect! The yeast-heavy liquid leaves locks looking bouncy and full.

Woman's Day Says: Mix 1/2 cup flat beer (pour beer into a container and let it sit out for a couple of hours to deplete carbonation) with 1 tsp light oil (sunflower or canola) and a raw egg. Apply to clean, damp hair, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Or add flat beer only to a spray bottle and spritz onto dry hair. Treatments can be applied every other week.

If Your Hair is Dry or Sun-Damaged...
Blame it on the beach. Blame it on the hot tools. Just don't blame it on the bees. In fact, you should be thanking those little buggers. Their years of toiling produce honey, which, if used on hair, can not only lock in moisture, but can actually attract more of it! It's times like that that really make you thank Mother Nature.

Woman's Day Says: Massage approximately 1/2 cup honey into clean, damp hair, let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also add 1 to 2 Tbsp olive oil to loosen the honey for easier application. For extremely sun-damaged hair, trying mixing honey with 1 to 2 Tbsp of a protein-rich ingredient, like avocado or egg yolk, which will help replenish the keratin protein bonds that UV rays attack. Treatment can be applied once a month.

If Your Hair is Oily or Greasy...
Forget expensive dry shampoos or even the baby-powder trick; simply reach for the cornmeal.
Woman's Day Says: Pour 1 Tbsp cornmeal or cornstarch into an empty salt or pepper shaker and sprinkle onto dry hair and scalp until you've used it all. After 10 minutes, use a paddle hairbrush to completely brush it out. Treatment can be applied every other day.

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