Lynx Innovations Gears Up for Great Fourth Quarter

Ending the year strong is a goal many teams strive for this time of year. At Lynx Innovations, managers have proposed that the group's efforts all year are leading up to not only a great finish for 2015, but a superb start to 2016.

“The more effective way to guarantee a robustly profitable end to the year is to sustain objectives the other nine months leading into the fourth quarter,” said Grant, Lynx Innovations’ director of operations. “Our planning model is such that we start the year off fast and carefully maintain our progress. This allows us to stay ahead of trends.”


"The second effort that is essential during the fourth quarter is to plan for the next year,"

Grant , Director of Operations

As Grant suggested, the fourth quarter efforts should be twofold. “First, if you’ve achieved your milestones all year, you will have established your business to conclude the year on a positive note,” he said. “This is the time in which you’re tightening up final pushes and using real-time data to optimize your results.”

“The second effort that is essential during the fourth quarter is to plan for the next year,” Grant stated. “At Lynx Innovations, we’re already setting the stage for 2016. We’re using this year’s data to raise the bar on next year’s objectives. We’re forecasting to ensure our resources are scaled to meet our needs. It’s essential that our plans are in place so we’re fully prepared for success beginning January 1.”

Lynx Innovations’ Director of Operations Shares Tips for Fourth Quarter

Grant suggested that to achieve positive end-of-year outcomes, teams should practice three things throughout the year: pushing back on limiting factors, seizing opportunities, and mitigating risks. For example, he suggested reviewing the overall business to identify each of these driving factors on a routine basis. “Limiting factors are what prevent you from moving forward. This could be cash flow or other resources that are lacking,” he said. “You need to find ways to overcome these obstacles.”

“Risks are issues that could cause your firm to crumble if not dealt with,” he said. “It’s vital that you identify what could be detrimental to your business. This could be competitors or poor product reviews. Nothing is insurmountable if it’s dealt with early.”

Finally, Grant suggests reviewing opportunities often. “At Lynx Innovations, we’re constantly reviewing trends in order to optimize our markets.”

“The final quarter of the year should be about wrapping up the past and looking toward the future,” Grant concluded. “If you make this effort, your success will be guaranteed.”

About Lynx Innovations


Lynx Innovations specializes in the design and launch of experiential promotions that guarantee long-lasting, measurable results. The firm’s marketing managers ensure greater brand awareness, consumer loyalty, and impressive market share growth through their unique advertising format which connects consumers to their clients more effectively than conventional methods. They make this happen by conducting thorough research and analysis, and by utilizing unique means of communication that facilitate personal connections with target audiences. The company’s implementation of a progressive training program ensures that new associates are fully prepared to increase revenue on behalf of represented brands. A commitment to its core values sets Lynx Innovations apart from its competitors, and as a result, the team continues to enable their clients to excel.