Kyle Jekot's New Book 'A Cure for the Common Scam' Shares Great Ways to Outsmart the Schemes of Scammers All Over the Web

Recent release 'A Cure for The Common Scam' from Covenant Books author Kyle Jekot, C.F.E. is a knowledgeable manuscript that helps the user safeguard themselves and their possessions against the threat of scammers flooding the internet.

Kyle Jekot, a Certified Fraud Examiner, has completed his new book, "A Cure for The Common Scam": an eye-opening and important guide to understanding the ways of scammers in order to avoid being their next victim. This book uses non-technical vocabulary to help the reader better understand and navigate these pitfalls of the web.

Kyle writes, "We all get the calls. We all get the e-mails. But can you tell the difference between a legitimate call or e-mail…and a scam? Scammers are working harder than ever before to take advantage of you, your identity, and your money. With some guidance and perspective, A Cure for the Common Scam will help walk you through steps you can take to protecting yourself against the common scams of today. Explained in non-technical, straightforward, and practical terms, you will learn:

• why a passphrase may be more secure than a password,

• how to safeguard your bank and investment accounts,

• how to stay safe while shopping online,

• and much more!

You do not have to give in to the schemes of scammers. Learn what it takes to stand up to them and protect yourself today."

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Kyle Jekot's new book is a well-written manual where everyone can easily figure out how to detect the workings of scammers. Designed in an easy-to-understand way, readers will be able to immediately learn and comprehend the information in this book.

Readers can purchase "A Cure for The Common Scam" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books

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