Announces SILS Sleeve Gastrectomy in Mexico

The Plano, Texas based company announced special packages for minimally invasive single incision sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico. announced affordable packages for single incision gastric sleeve surgery in Guadalajara, Mexico. Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) sleeve gastrectomy is a virtually scar-free alternative to traditional laparoscopic surgery in which just a single tiny incision is made in the umbilicus (navel).

According to the spokesperson of the company, as only one incision is made in the abdomen, it ensures less scarring, less post-operative pain and quicker recovery than in the laparoscopic approach.

The spokesperson also added that their package price for one-incision gastric sleeve in Mexico is just $850 more than the standard gastric sleeve price.

The cosmetic outcomes after SILS are quite aesthetically pleasing. "SILS has higher scar satisfaction rates among post-operative patients than in the usual laparoscopic surgery patients," he said.

The company also announced it had joined hands with a US-registered bariatric dietitian (RD and RN) to take care of the pre- and post-operative dietary needs of its clients.

"We want to take all-round care of our clients and to ensure this we work with a US-based bariatric diet expert who will guide them on how to prepare themselves for the surgery with the right pre-op diet as well as meet their goals and break any weight loss plateaus."

Part of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) A+ accredited Med. Tourism Co., LLC, the company also hosts educative weight loss surgery webinars along with a Q&A session to give its clients a platform to learn on how to stay on track and have their doubts cleared. The company also has a well-researched knowledge base website and gives access to a Facebook group to post their queries as well as showcase their weight loss transformation and support each other.

More information on SILS sleeve surgery in Mexico can be sought by filling in the contact form on the website. 

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