Dean Smith of Active Air Freight Knows How Bill Hadley Feels
Zephyr Cove, NV, June 23, 2015 ( - Anonymous Creator of Defamatory Statements Must Be Revealed
The national news recently announced that Bill Hadley of Stephenson County, Illinois, has won his request to reveal an anonymous Internet commenter. An online opponent of Mr. Hadley used an Internet article from the Freeport Journal Standard to suggest that Mr. Hadley is a child molester. Mr. Hadley has incurred $30,000 in legal fees getting to this point, since revealing the identity of the persecutor was necessary to continue with his defamation lawsuit.
Potentially libelous online comments are an increasing source of concern. Commenters often hide behind the cloak of anonymity, seemingly untouchable.
David Mercer, AP Reporter
Dean Smith of Active Air Freight knows just how Mr. Hadley feels, after expending considerable time and resources attempting to clear his own name of libelous, false, and vile accusations from “anonymous” postings on two consumer complaint web sites.
Victims of similar underhanded actions can take heart that the Illinois Supreme Court has ruled in Mr. Hadley's favor. Now Comcast Cable Communications must reveal the name of the responsible subscriber as Mr. Hadley's suit continues. According to the Associated Press, “Don Craven, an attorney for the Illinois Press Association, said Thursday's decision should make clear that Illinois, at least, will not tolerate such attempts at defamation.”
To quote David Mercer, AP reporter: “Potentially libelous online comments are an increasing source of concern. Commenters often hide behind the cloak of anonymity, seemingly untouchable.”
Dean Smith and Active Air Freight applaud the Illinois Supreme Court for recognizing that libel should never be “untouchable,” even on the Internet!