Dean Smith and Active Air Freight on Finding Lower Costs for Shipping

Zephyr Cove, NV, May 27, 2015 ( - A common reality in the cargo and passenger transportation industries is that once rates go up, they seldom go back down. Certainly there are exceptions, but recent airline actions in relation to fuel surcharges demonstrates that maintaining profits is the first objective of many air carriers. For example, even though declining fuel prices caused some carriers to eliminate their fuel surcharges, overall costs did not decline. Instead, base shipping and airfare rates were increased to offset the removal of the surcharge.
While the airlines strive to maintain margins, Active Air Freight is likewise concerned about helping customers make a profit. Since client satisfaction is key to being a successful shipping company, present circumstances in the transportation industry require owner Dean Smith and the Active Air Freight staff to be extremely diligent in monitoring shipping rates and practices to find the best possible costs. Here are some things shippers need to be aware of to keep expenses low.
If oil prices are so low, why are airlines still charging fuel surcharges?
Dean Smith, Active Air Freight Owner
Ship Bulk or Containerized?
An example of the variability in shipping rates involves the potentially drastic differences between bulk shipping and container shipping. Presumably, a client loading a container with goods and then presenting it to the airline benefits the air and ground crews. Instead of dealing with the multiple smaller boxes of a bulk shipment, the airline only deals with one standardized shipping container. Nevertheless, Active Air Freight recently saved a customer nearly six thousand dollars by shipping materials at a loose bulk rate instead of presenting them in two sealed shipping containers. Experience with the airlines, the shipping possibilities and their respective charges made a big difference for this client. Active Air Freight makes such profitable decisions for its customers on a regular basis.
Representing Transportation Clients
Active Air Freight regularly communicates with airlines and other transporters, using their extended experience in the business to convey customer dismay that fuel surcharges (FSC) continue to be assessed despite the record lows in oil prices. In some cases, Active Air Freight owner Dean Smith even reports that with certain carriers, the “FSC is higher than the air cargo rate.” Obviously, Active Air Freight does its best to steer clients away from shippers that expect more money for a surcharge than they do for actually shipping the goods. At the same time, Active Air Freight encourages and uses, whenever possible, cargo carriers offering flat rate shipping for standardized containers. In general, containerized shipping results in savings for clients, makes it easier to plan for expenses and simplifies the shipping process.
Selecting the Best Method for Your Shipment
For help with shipping needs, Active Air Freight uses an extensive network of airlines, ground transporters and overseas carriers to find the best delivery method for all kinds of goods. Based on the items, the feasibility of container shipping and the expected delivery date, Active Air Freight offers unequaled service with no unexpected costs. Extensive experience and consistent customer advocacy help Dean Smith and Active Air Freight meet and exceed the needs of their clients. For more information, contact Active Air Freight at 1-866-937-4471.