City of 80,000 Attorneys: Premonition Analytics New Survey Reveals Washington D.C.'s Highest Volume Law Firms

Washington Dc Busiest Law Firms

​As the center of America's executive, legislative and judicial branches, Washington D.C. is home to more lawyers than any other city in the country, and possibly the world. A staggering one in 12 D.C. residents is a lawyer, charging an average rate of $250 per hour. Provided you are not among the over 100,000 Washingtonians living in poverty, finding an attorney in the District of Columbia is not exactly a needle in a haystack exercise. But the level of competition presents its own difficulties to clients hoping to separate those firms that merely talk a big game from those that achieve real results.

Artificial intelligence firm Premonition claims that its technology brings true transparency to the legal sector for the first time in history. The company has begun issuing findings based on its extensive database of court records in a number of industries and jurisdictions, including most recently a chart of the busiest legal practices in Washington D.C. based on caseload:

A very, very, unfair advantage.

Toby Unwin, CIO, Premonition

Washington DC's Busiest Law Firms
Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia
Huddles Jones Sorteberg Dachille, P.C.
Musolino & Dessel
Constantine Cannon
Blumenthal & Cordone, PLLC
The Meiners Law Firm, PLLC
Andrews & Andrews, PLLC
Gildar & Riger
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Mallios Rider & Goley, LLP
Schuman & Felts, CHTD
Offit Kurman
Hessler & Associates
Delwin Realty
Metro Trust Company
Raddatz Law Firm, PLLC

Premonition software has begun to shed light on the overall court performances of lawyers across the globe and has regular access to data on individual attorney win rates, case durations and settlement averages.

Law firm Huddles Jones Sorteberg Dachille tops D.C.'s list of high volume practices, subsisting on a diet of construction law and, appropriately for the capital, government contract resolutions. Meanwhile, Delwin Realty maintains a busy Real Estate Legal Services branch that handles a large number of cases with a relatively quick duration. According to Premonition data, they have one of the highest win rates in the D.C. area.

Premonition is helping consumers to dissect what's often a natural aversion toward lawyers by taking some of the mystery out of the process. As it turns out, courts function in much the same way as any other industry: judges often hold bias toward certain attorneys and often have different tolerance levels for different types of cases. Consumers armed with this knowledge are so far ahead of the game that Premonition Co-Founder and CIO Toby Unwin has been known to call it "a very, very, unfair advantage."


Nathan Huber
Premonition L.L.C.
Business Development Director
(615) 364-0924

Source: Premonition

About Premonition

Premonition uses Artificial Intelligence to find which Attorneys usually win before which Judges. We provide big data analytics, real time monitoring of courts and a very, very unfair advantage in Litigation.

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