Chico McRooster Team to Join America's Family 2018 PET EXPO, April 27, 28 and 29, 2018

PARAMOUNT, Calif., April 26, 2018 ( - ChaCha McRooster is proud to join the fun and excitement at America’s Family Pet Expo at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa, Calif. Hold the date: Friday through Sunday, April 27, 28, 29 — 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday until 7 p.m.
ChaCha McRooster will be available for visiting, photos and petting. ChaCha will host a raffle on many of his soon-to-be on-line products — many winners. Additionally, over 1,000 animals will be part of the many festivities — contests, demonstrations, trick shows, pony rides, petting zoos, more — great fun for kids and animal lovers of all ages. Learning opportunities abound with many animal experts, pet adoptions and gobs of unique, lovable animals. This show is ultra family-friendly and features over 800 booths, many with pet products at special show discounts. Creatures in attendance include dogs, cats, birds, fish, llamas, pot-bellied pigs, goats, rats, reptiles, rabbits, miniature horses and of course ONE rooster.
About Backyard Chickens: For the second time, backyard chickens will be featured. ChaCha, especially, wants everyone to know that a group of lovely hens will be there with knowledgeable people to answer questions about this newly growing and popular pastime. ChaCha McRooster will be there as ONE very special chicken, who is friendly and loves people. ChaCha is honored to be a part of this World’s Largest Event. Come on down, enjoy the many critters, contests and animal tricks. While there, get a family photo with ChaCha or a selfie. They say roosters are good luck, especially if you pet them. ChaCha is there to give some of his phenomenal, rare, real, honest-to-goodness positive rooster energy. Check out our Chico McRooster Facebook page to see others who have connected with this gentleman rooster.
About Chico McRooster: Chico was a model four-and-a-half-year-old Rhode Island Red Rooster, who was very friendly, loved to be petted and posed beautifully for pictures. Sadly, Chico left us last July 2017. ChaCha McRooster is following in his big footsteps. For anyone who ever wanted to pet a rooster, now is the chance. ChaCha McRooster was rescued from a family of “just too many chickens” and at risk of joining Chico. Like Chico, he rides around in the car, goes shopping at Home Depot, Lowes, Petco, Petsmart and finds many new friends at special events like this. ChaCha McRooster is still getting used to wearing aprons and outfits, but he definitely will be riding in his specially decorated canopy topped cart and delighted to see everyone.
How to get to there: (1) 405 Freeway to Fairview exit or (2) 5 Freeway to 55 South to DelMar/Fair exit, or call public info (800) 999-7295, Also check on-line maps.
Tickets: Order on line at GenAdmin: $15 / Seniors (60+): $13 / Children (6 to 12): $10 / Children (5 & under): Free / Military (Active & Retired): Free with valid ID. Parking in Fairground Lots is $8 for the day.
Chico McRooster
Techni-Visions LLC
1-855-53CHICO (24426)
Source: Chico McRooster Team