CEO Brandon Frere and the Science of Perceiving Challenges as Opportunities

Woman with Child on Rollercoaster

Everyone faces challenges. Everyone faces them differently. One way to examine this is this difference between eustress and stress.

Eustress, sometimes referred to as good stress, is an individual’s energized excited response to environmental or emotional challenges. A first date, for example. An interview for a dream job. The body produces dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. Stress, particularly chronic stress, occurs when these challenges are perceived as threats, and the nervous system floods the body with cortisol, creating anger or dread, fight, or flight. Brandon Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises and other ventures, believes in the power of turning challenges into opportunities and encourages those in business to seek out eustress in order to feel engaged and energetic.

I chose to look at it as an opportunity and I haven't stopped looking for opportunities since.

Brandon Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises

“I learned early on when I was badly injured in a motorcycle accident and given very long odds for full recovery, that I could see my injury as an awful setback, or an opportunity. I chose to look at it as an opportunity and I haven’t stopped looking for opportunities since,” said Frere.

Eustress is a feeling of excitement as the pulse quickens, hormones flood the system, not from fear or threat, but from feeling alive and exhilarated about life. And it’s not just about changing your perspective, according to a recent article. It's also about balance and deciding which “get to” activities are worth the time and attention, focusing on optional, recreational activities that bring connection and enthusiasm while cutting out draining activities. This allows an individual to be more engaged and alive with life’s “have to” situations, increasing the capacity to take on challenges and recognize them as opportunities.

“I see all of my ventures as opportunities for both those we serve and our employees, taking challenges and creating exhilarating possibilities,” said Frere. “I get so fired up thinking about ways to better help our clients who are able to once again start seeing opportunities and feel engaged and excited about their lives.”

About Frere Enterprises
Brandon Frere is an entrepreneur and businessman who lives in Sonoma County, California. He has designed and created multiple companies to meet the ever-demanding needs of businesses and consumers alike. His company website,, is used as a means to communicate many of the lessons, fundamentals, and information he has learned throughout his extensive business and personal endeavors, most recently in advocating on behalf of student loan borrowers nationwide.

As experienced during his own student loan repayment, Mr. Frere found out how difficult it can be to work with federally contracted student loan servicers and the repayment programs designed to help borrowers. Through those efforts, he gained an insider’s look into the repayment process and the motivations behind the inflating student loan debt bubble. His knowledge of the confusing landscape of student loan repayment became a vital theme in his future endeavors, and he now uses those experiences to help guide others through the daunting process of applying for available federal repayment and loan forgiveness programs.

Source: Frere Enterprises

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