2ndQuadrant Contributes Major Features to PostgreSQL 10

Oxford, United Kingdom, October 5, 2017 (Newswire.com) - The PostgreSQL Global Development Group today announced the release of PostgreSQL 10; a major milestone for the project and PostgreSQL community, containing additions that have been anticipated for several years. Some of the most notable features in this release have been developed by members of the 2ndQuadrant team, which has proudly contributed to the PostgreSQL project consistently for the past 15 years.
The biggest splash of the release has been made by Logical Replication. This long-awaited feature addition allows more flexibility than physical replication, including replication between different major versions of PostgreSQL and selective-table replication. As part of this feature, 2ndQuadrant has also contributed the ability to create temporary replication slots that are automatically removed on session exit or error. The feature acceptance comes after multiple years of persistent efforts from Petr Jelínek, later championed by Peter Eisentraut.
Another exciting feature 2ndQuadrant contributed to PostgreSQL 10 is the ability to add Multi-Column Optimizer Statistics to compute the correlation ratio and number of distinct values. This addition is yet again the result of a multi-year effort, this time by Tomas Vondra. He was later assisted by David Rowley and Álvaro Herrera, who helped with reviews and code structure rework to get the feature into final shape for the release.
“It’s the Big One — the release where we finally get logical replication into core!” said Simon Riggs, founder and CEO of 2ndQuadrant. “This work has taken many years of effort to bring to the current level, resulting from many 2ndQuadrant developers and various reviewers and testers.”
As major contributors and thought leaders of the PostgreSQL project, the members of 2ndQuadrant are excited about this release as they have many notable contributions in terms of both features and bug fixes. Some of the major contributions by 2ndQuadrant include:
- IDENTITY columns and Sequence improvements [Peter Eisentraut]
- ICU support for better national language support [Peter Eisentraut]
- BRIN index improvements [Álvaro Herrera]
- Improvements to Money datatypes [Peter Eisentraut]
- Improvements to server startup/shutdown (pg_ctl) [Peter Eisentraut]
- Consistent parallel backup with pg_dump from a standby server [Petr Jelínek]
- Replication speed enhancements [Simon Riggs, David Rowley]
- New test infrastructure for Replication & Recovery [Craig Ringer]
2ndQuadrant has also worked actively with fellow members of the PostgreSQL community to contribute:
- Reduced locking for changing column parameters [Simon Riggs, Fabrízio Mello]
- Improvements in JSONB and XML handling [Álvaro Herrera, Andrew Dunstan, Pavel Stěhule]
- VACUUM speed enhancements [Claudio Freire, Álvaro Herrera]
2ndQuadrant plans to continue playing an integral role in supporting the growth of PostgreSQL and contributing to its development. “Open Source PostgreSQL has been gaining traction year on year and we’re attracting interest from the largest enterprises now due to its robust capabilities,” explains Riggs, “and 2ndQuadrant is proud to be a key part of the PostgreSQL community.”
To learn more about PostgreSQL and its scalable business benefits, attend 2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Conference 2017 being held November 6th & 7th in New York and November 9th in Chicago.
About 2ndQuadrant
2ndQuadrant is the Gold Standard for PostgreSQL Products & Services and consistently contributes enterprise features to enhance performance, scalability, security, and stability in PostgreSQL. Spanning 22 countries and 5 continents, 2ndQuadrant is the largest single collective organization of PostgreSQL experts. They have adopted the open source business model and are Platinum sponsors for the PostgreSQL project. Their focus on service quality is reflected in the consistent best-in-class NPS of over 75 for more than 2 years.
Media Contact
Britt Cole
Source: 2ndQuadrant