The 5 Pillars of Connecting with The Media

Media relationships are a part of any successful press and public relations campaign. It’s not often that you’ll have the media cover your business story without some prior exposure to you and your company. That means that in addition to a press release marketing strategy, you’ll also want to create a media outreach or media relations strategy as well. The foundation that you set, in the beginning, will help ensure you reach your press and PR goals much more quickly, and that your results will be positive. So how do you connect with the media and build those relationships?


The 5 Pillars of Media Relations

Be Professional

It should go without saying, but it’s imperative that you present yourself as a professional representing a business. You want the media representatives that you’re reaching out to, to consider you to be credible, authoritative, and knowledgeable. That means not only behaving in a professional manner but also putting your best foot forward in terms of knowledge and approach. Keep in mind what the journalist wants and needs from you, and provide them with it.

Be Yourself

Being professional doesn’t mean putting on someone else’s business suit and trying to be someone that you’re not. Keep in mind that you represent a company, and that means that, hopefully, you have some personality. Journalists don’t want to connect with cookie-cutter people; they are interested in stories that have a unique approach. They are interested in connecting with real people. Take a deep breath and pitch, connect, and engage in a way that feels normal and comfortable for you.

Be Valuable

When engaging with reporters, journalists, bloggers and the like, make sure that you are offering value in your communications. That means knowing and understanding what they find valuable. It can be anything from a story that you know the journalist may find interesting, to answering a question they pose on social media. Ask yourself, before you hit ‘send,’ if the journalist or reporter will find the information useful. If the answer is ‘yes,’ then go ahead and punch that button.

Be Patient

Building relationships can take time. You’re busy, media representatives are busy and it can take more than one or two interactions for a journalist to have any memory of who you are and what you may have to offer. Create a goal, establish a timeline, and then take consistent action to build that relationship – just make sure to be realistic and patient in your approach.

Have Fun

Finally, have fun with the media relations process. It shouldn’t be a chore. You’re building a relationship and creating a win/win situation with people in the media. Guaranteed, if you’re having fun, the process will be more effective.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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