How to Recruit Customers via Cold Email

Ask many business experts if cold emailing a prospect is a good idea and they’ll likely shake their head “no.” Why? Because the return on investment, they would say, isn’t worth it. Yet, with a good plan in place and efficient systems, cold emailing customers can be more successful than you might imagine.

Let’s take a look at some tips and steps to recruit customers via cold email.

What is a Cold Email?

You’re coming in cold.

A cold email is sent to an individual you have never interavted with. It is the first form of contact. You are trying to target the individual, connect with them on a personal level. It is best practice to use their first name and begin a business conversation. Once that is started, you can continue to promote your product or service.

Why Use Cold Email?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to send emails to people that you know are interested in your business products or services? WOuldn’t it make more sense to send emails to people that you know? Yes but you can still send those emails AND send cold emails. Why? To bring in potential new leads of course. The cold email, done correctly, can introduce you to people and opportunities you might not otherwise have obtained.

How It’s Done

1. Research

A cold email isn’t sent to a random name on a list. It’s sent to someone who may be interested in your products or services. Know who you’re sending the email to and why they’d be interested in your business.

Get to know their fears, interests, and a bit more about what their business entails. This helps you integrate your business with theirs in the email. Doing research shows in your emails. It lets them know that you took the time to learn more about them.

2. Be Memorable & Engaging

You want them to remember you, right?

Somehow, you must engrain your business in their minds by telling them how they need you. Don’t make it all about you. Make sure to be personable. Crack a joke, talk about something happening in their industry or give them information they would find helpful.

The product or business you are offering them must solve their problem(s) or aid them in prospering their business. Tell them how you can help and why they should let you help them.

Remember: they want to know what’s in it for them.

3. Personalize it.

You’re going to be more memorable and engaging if you personalize the email. That’s why it’s so important to research them. You might mention a recent social media post or blog post they published. Linke that personalization to the product or service you’re offering.

Insert their name, place of business, or industry that they are in and let them know how your business or product helps them. You are reaching out to them to start a business relationship.

4. Leverage Reciprocity

Give them insightful advice to build a better relationship.

Show them how helpful you are and how your business can be. This personal advice can be based on what you have to offer. Tap into the desire to pay you back after giving them advice.

Consider giving free personalized advice based on your offer. This can tap into a desire to pay you back for your amazing advice and it certainly shows that you’re earnest in your desire to help them.

5. Thank Them For Their Time!

They took the time to pay attention to you, thank them!

Being curteous and kind to someone can go a long way. After reading what you have to say, make sure you thank your potential customer for their time. It shows them your appreciation. Let them know that if there are any questions they may have, to reach out to you.

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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