Frisco's Award-winning Wakeland High School Cheerleaders Host K-5 Cheer Clinic on Nov. 1, 2014

Little Miss Cheer participants will receive cheer gear and perform at high school varsity football game. Register at

The cheerleaders from Frisco, Texas' Wakeland High School invite all elementary school children that dream of cheering on the sidlines for the big game to attend their annual Little Miss Cheer Clinic on Saturday, November 1, 2014. In addition to learning cheers, chants and jumps taught by NCA award-winning cheerleaders, participants will have opportunity to perform at a Wakeland varsity football game.

The November 1st clinic is open to children in grades k-5; students from any city or school district may attend. Participants may attend the clinic from 9:00am -11:30am OR 1:00pm to 3:30pm. The cost is $40 and includes a cheer shirt, pom poms, megaphone, and admission to Wakeland’s Friday, November 7 varsity football game. At the varsity game, Little Miss Cheer participants will show off their skills and routine throughout the first half of the game.

The primary goal of the event is to teach and increase school spirit through an activity that, with numerous cheer gyms and competition teams being established in Frisco, is gaining more and more popularity in  area. This clinic and the performance at the varsity game will get younger students excited about attending Wakeland (or any Frisco HS) in the not-to-far-off future. This event will also give those girls and boys that are interested in cheerleading the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

Clinic participants are also encouraged to bring items such as toiletries, cleaning supplies and condiments to donate to Frisco Family Services.

In order to ensure accurate quantities and shirt sizes, please register by October 24 at