Wysdom.AI Appoints Nitin Singhal as COO to Drive Cognitive Customer Care for Global Enterprise

Wysdom COO Nitin Singhal

Wysdom.AI, the world’s most mature full-stack virtual assistant platform, is pleased to announce that Nitin Singhal has joined the team as Chief Operating Officer.

Nitin has over 20 years of success in global executions of business technology, driving operational efficiency and digital scalability for some of the world’s largest enterprise clients, and brings a robust background having spent the last 16 years at Redknee where he held executive positions in Research and Development, Customer Operations, Partner Alliances, and most recently as the Chief Technology Officer.


“Nitin joins us at a perfect time,” said Wysdom CEO Ian Collins. “His experience in managing large diverse teams, defining strategy, transforming products, and ushering large businesses into the age of IoT and digitization is invaluable as Wysdom hits the next level of its growth.”

With four years of operational experience in telecommunications, insurance, and finance, Wysdom provides the framework, the tools, and a massive AI training data corpus to for enterprise clients to enhance their cognitive customer care. An experienced team of AI experts is available to continuously train the system, ensuring these businesses provide the best customer experience via whatever channel their customers choose.

“The strides that applicable AI development has taken in the past few years is staggering, and has been educational for myself and the industry as a whole,” said Nitin. “Wysdom has been at the forefront creating real-world AI application for enterprise; I am excited to help enterprises and businesses implement this brand new way of communicating with their customers and guiding their journeys.”


Wysdom is the most mature full-stack virtual assistant platform that uses machine intelligence for customer journey management over social, web chat, voice, and smart home devices, giving businesses a powerful new way to connect to customers, answer questions, complete purchases, and transact anytime, using natural language.

Media Contact
Mark Cluett - mark@wysdom.ai

Source: Wysdom.AI

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