Write A Photo Caption In Honor Of World Backup Day 2012 For A Chance To Win!
Online, April 9, 2012 (Newswire.com) - FREMONT, CA, - To honor World Backup Day 2012 on March 31, QuorumLabs is asking IT professionals to submit a caption for this photo, which depicts a business disaster nightmare! For the caption that best captures the essence of this image as it relates to World Backup Day, we will select the top entrant, who will win the new Apple TV, plus one runner-up who will receive a $100 gift card. Don't worry about being humorous or clever - simply tell us what you'd say if you walked through the doors of your office and saw this disaster. Were you prepared or not? Enter your caption (no more than 50 words, please) here: http://www.quorumlabs.com/worldbackupday2012
World Backup Day reminds you that if a disaster happens, at a minimum you should at least back up your data. But backup is really just safe archiving of data. What's really important is how fast you can recover data and applications from a disaster, so that your business can be productive again. Learn more about onQ's One-Click instant recovery...
About QuorumLabs
QuorumLabs develops innovative technologies and products that provide high availability and instant recovery of critical business systems for small to mid-sized companies. Easily deployed within an hour, QuorumLabs' turnkey solutions allow businesses to routinely and automatically test their recovery plan and recover failed systems with a single click. Located in Fremont, California, QuorumLabs was spun out of Themis Computer in 2008. More information can be found at www.quorumlabs.com
QuorumLabs, onQ, One-Click Recovery, and the QuorumLabs logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of QuorumLabs, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Contact: Cindee Mock, QuorumLabs
cindee@quorumlabs.com, 650-255-2975