​What United Airlines Has Taught the World About Customer Service, According to Softwarekeep.com

​United Airlines has a less-than-stellar reputation worldwide for good reason. The company’s blatant disregard for its passengers became apparent after the recent removal of Dr. David Dao on an overbooked flight. The paid passenger suffered injuries including a broken nose, loss of teeth, and a concussion because he was forcibly ejected from his seat after refusing to give it up to United. Law enforcement officers dragged the man from the crowded plane while witnesses recorded video of the interaction on their smartphones.

Software Keep Puts Its Customers First in Every Situation

Software Keep, an online retailer of authentic Microsoft Office software, has taken a stance about United’s PR nightmare. The company does not condone reckless behavior. In fact, Software Keep is all about its customers and always has been.

Customer Service Makes and Breaks Companies

After watching United handle its issue recently, it became even clearer to emphasize the importance of exceptional customer service. After all, Software Keep notes that they would not be in business if it wasn’t for their loyal customers. At no time, whatsoever, are customers told to deal with their problems themselves or referred to Microsoft for assistance.

Around the Clock Support Shows How Committed Software Keep Is

In fact, Software Keep provides 24/7 customer support as a convenience for its customers. The company has a track record of successful interactions with the people that buy software from SoftwareKeep.com. A dedicated team handles questions, concerns, and complaints efficiently so that the customer walks away from the experience feeling good about the company as well as the products that it offers.

Price Match and Money Back Guarantees Await Customers

To learn more about Software Keep and its commitment to its customers, visit the company’s website. You’ll learn all about its price match and money back guarantees as well as its selection of authentic Microsoft software. Digitally downloading copies of MS Office 2016 and Office for Mac helps customers stay on top of their game by providing them with efficient tools that maximize productivity.

A Software Suite That Delivers Efficiency and Value

The popular software suite consists of programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook. Packed with tools and features, it’s hard to find a solution that beats Microsoft’s. That’s why so many customers continue to buy MS Office from Software Keep because it’s a company that puts people first.

You Can Tell A Lot About a Company by How They Treat Their Customers

How a customer is treated says a lot about a company. Software Keep’s customers know exactly where they stand. The company goes above and beyond to meet their needs and to exceed their high expectations.

Software Keep’s Customers are “King”

As the owner of the company so eloquently put it, “Our customers are king.” It appears that they know that, too, which is why so many people prefer buying from Software Keep instead of Microsoft directly. They get the best prices and support from the online retailer year round.

Software Keep

1591 McKenzie Way,
Point Roberts, WA 98281
United States of America
Ph: +1-877-315-1713

Source: Softwarekeep.com

About Softwarekeep

Softwarekeep is a certified Microsoft Reseller with Silver and Gold vendor certificates and is striving to make a more connected world with the help of it's customers and partners like google cloud and microsoft.

1591 Mckenzie Way
Point Roberts, Washington

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