We Be High Releases Free Cannabis Research Series - Enjoy Engaging, Medically Cited Publications Worldwide

Whether you're a journalist in dire need of medically backed, scientifically cited sources on CBD for your new piece, seek objective grading criteria to discover safe, effective, and responsibly-made cannabis, CBD, and hemp products. At We Be High, we're your worldwide friendly passionate individuals in the fields of medicinal research, activism, and overall betterment of society. We believe cannabis can help better the world - but that's not without its caveats. Explore everything from CBD and cannabis in our free new research series!

Free Global CBD Medical Research

We Be High – a global cannabis news and research portal – is excited to announce an engaging series on the cannabis plant in support of its federal legalization. The new series covers every important aspect related to cannabis, from legal issues to science, news, and lifestyle topics.

"Federal legalization is coming to us sooner than later. Both hemp and marijuana have recently received great support from the American society. We want to prepare a legitimate educational background for everybody in the community, both people who are just entering the market and those who consider themselves seasoned consumers. Our website is based on the latest scientific research, as well as news from mainstream cannabis media. Our aim is to unite the cannabis consumers, not divide them in the classic hemp vs. marijuana way," says Dustin Marin, founder and CEO.

"I couldn’t agree more. Cannabinoids are complicated, and we still have much to discover about the way it affects people despite being in use for almost 10,000 years," says cannabis researcher and consultant Justin Cooke, Editor in Chief at Daily CBD.

"Let's face it, cannabis science is something new to many people. Thirty years ago, hardly anyone knew about the endocannabinoid system, let alone the medical benefits of using cannabis. We can't expect people to understand everything while throwing weird-sounding scientific terms at their faces. We created We Be High to serve you that knowledge in an easily digestible way. The more people begin to understand the basics behind how cannabis affects us, the shorter our road to the federal legalization," emphasizes Cooke.

The engaging news and research series on cannabis allows users to educate themselves using a well-backed source of information, from understanding the plant's effects to its history, medical uses, influence on the contemporary culture to explaining the differences between various forms of cannabis.

To expand the knowledge about cannabis and learn to benefit from using the plant, on the recently released interactive global guides, readers find our series of cannabis news and research.

To keep up with the latest cannabis news and research – We Be High will provide readers with the latest unbiased, medically cited, and easy to consume objective product guides.

​Media Contact: 

Dustin Marin – dustin@webehigh.com

Source: We Be High

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