Vijaya Stern Teaches About Ayurvedic Cooking And Herbology | SanDiego/Encinitas

For those on the yogic path the Ayurvedic lifestyle is the perfect marriage of the body, mind and the spirit. For those who are not yogis, this is the perfect adjunct for anyone curious about this ancient science.

Ayurvedic Herbology and Cooking, Feb 6-9 and March 14-16, 2015, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, Ca. 760-943-7685.

In this incredible 50 hour program, participants will learn Āyurvedic Cooking techniques and the use of herbs, herbal oils, salves, drops and other concoctions to be used for a comprehensive self healing system. This will be a great week to gain the knowledge that has been around for thousands of years. 

Vijaya teaches in a way that everything registers in a way that makes perfect sense and you want to make changes in your own life. I love her passion for helping people understand this ancient science and I can't believe how it has transformed my life in such a positive way.

M. Preston, San Diego, Ca

Students will learn how to prepare ghee, kitcheri, and more, while gaining important information about Ayurvedic nutrition and food preparation.  will understand how to formulate an herbal potion based on pulse, face and tongue diagnosis and gain a deeper understanding of when and how to use herbs as medicine.

This is a stand alone class, so anyone can attend. This timeless information is the perfect addition to added to everyone's owner’s manual for life.

Ayurveda is the science of life.

Ayurveda, India’s ancient science of life and longevity dates back approximately 5,000 years. Considered the oldest health system known, it is no wonder it has been coined the “Mother of All Healing.” Feminine creativity – known as Prakruti is emphasized throughout this tantric science, and is the same Sanskrit word used to describe your original constitution. Because of this, ayurveda sees all of creation as the Mother herself. As she is the realized expression of Purusha – unmanifested divine potential, the idea of separation is illusory.

This timeless wisdom emphasizes the soul’s desire to continuously express itself as Purusha/Prakruti. When the soul is hindered by the divisive nature of the ego,

“dis-ease” begins to manifest. According to Ayurveda, health is more than the absence of physical symptoms. It is a state of complete union with one’s highest potential.

Moksha, the liberation of spirit from the confines of the ego allows one to actualized their divine nature, which in turn helps create longevity and well-being.

About Vijaya Stern

Vijaya Stern is a highly recognized teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda who has served as a Board of Directors for the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine.

She is a highly recognized teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda. She has practiced in California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada and New York. A graduate of Clayton College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1993, she has devoted her main course of study to Ayurvedic Medicine with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM since 1982. Vijaya has also studied with Dr. Sunil Joshi, Dr. Ranade, Lopsong Rapgay, Deepak Chopra and Vajra Ma & Nita Rubio,(Sacred Dance), Parvathi Nanda Nath (MahaVidya Wisdom), Hart deFouw (Jyotisha and Vastu Shastra) along with advanced Ayurvedic studies in India. Vijaya has taught Ayurveda and PanchaKarma (ayurvedic rejuvenation) at several Yoga Studios,  Massage Schools, New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and the Northwest Institute of Ayurveda.  Other areas of study include Emotional Breathwork, Sanskrit Chanting, Tantric Mysticism and several forms of Yoga. She is the originator of Shakti Marga Tantric Movement Therapy, which incorporates Ayurveda, Tantra, Yoga and Breathwork into a form of self-healing. 

More about Vijaya can be found at:

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Encinitas, CA


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