TUKO is 4th most popular website in Kenya

Tuko Kenya

TUKO.co.ke is the second news and entertainment website by traffic in Kenya. The website features a mix of trending local news, viral content, gossip and entertainment have seen the website rise over traditional leaders of the digital space like Citizen TV and Standard online.

TUKO now holds position 4 after Google, YouTube, and StandardMedia as the most popular sites in Kenya, according to Alexa. What this means is that more Kenyans have fallen in love with TUKO’s way of presenting information and news. “The rapid growth is a combination of hard work and world-class technical support from its parent company Genesis Technologies,” said Ramenya Gibendi, chief editor at TUKO.co.ke, in an interview to Business Today Kenya.

“We have access to some of the best technical support from our headquarters, and our model of presenting news and information has proved to be successful,” he said. The rapid rise of TUKO comes at a time when most traditional media houses are trying to shift to digital news presentation as audience preferences shift.
The latest development will definitely put TUKO in a better position over its peers to compete for advertisements in the country.

TUKO News Kenya is a website that features aggregated, exclusive and users' generated news content.

Source: TUKO
