True North Events High Achievers Impress at Conference

Top performers from the True North Events office recently returned from a conference in Dallas, Texas. Kyle T., the firm's President, discussed the benefits of this weekend and travel opportunities in general.

​Business trips serve several purposes at True North Events. Chiefly, they are means of recognizing those who have embraced the company's mission and values. They also work as development tools. This was certainly the case for the recent leadership and networking event in Dallas, Texas, from which Kyle and selected team members just returned. 

"The Dallas trip was invitation-only, so everyone who went to the weekend event earned the right to be there," stated Kyle. "We got the chance to meet industry leaders from across the country, shared best practices, and attended seminars that focused on next-level training and big-picture objectives. The most current trends and strategies were taught and discussed. All of us who went to Dallas came back ready to transform our careers and expand True North Events' influence."

"We got the chance to meet industry leaders from across the country, shared best practices, and attended seminars that focused on next-level training and big-picture objectives.

Kyle, President

Why Travel Opportunities Benefit True North Events

Kyle thinks of business trips as investments - not expenses - that always pay big dividends down the road. This is because he knows the success of True North Events is built upon the well-being and development of his team. 

"The strength of our business model relies on the personal touch that we provide when representing brands in the marketplace," Kyle declared. "Anything we can do to ensure that our people feel empowered, supported, and inspired is a worthwhile use of time and energy. Travel opportunities like the Dallas trip are perfect examples of how we're invested in helping our brand ambassadors thrive."

Many of the trips taken by True North Events team members are directly educational, but also have less obvious benefits. For instance, the opportunity to explore a new area with colleagues is a bonding experience that is remembered for years to come. These types of memories help strengthen the firm's culture and camaraderie. Also, even though weekend events often come with full schedules, they're still chances to get away from the daily grind and decompress from our rigorous routines. 

"One of my favorite travel perks is the time I get to reflect," Kyle shared. "It isn't easy to take an objective view of things when I'm in the thick of running a company and leading a team, so I appreciate the quiet moments that travel affords me. Even if it's just a few minutes in the morning or late at night, reflecting on the recent past in a different locale helps me gain perspective on just how much I've achieved, and what my next steps will be. It's definitely helpful for me, and I know it's something that does the other leaders on my team good as well." 

About True North Events:

True North Events is a recognized leader in interactive marketing solutions. The firm's team is composed of creative talent with a penchant for achieving sales goals for brands. Their customer-savvy events capture attention and showcase products for maximum exposure. By building lasting relationships between brands and customers, True North Events earns buyer loyalty and guides businesses into new markets. Led by example and coached through an immersive learning program, their experts are trained to ensure satisfaction at every stage. Learn more about their approach by visiting

Source: True North Events Inc