Total Internship Management Workshop Coming to Helena on June 5, 2019

HRCI & SHRM-PDC Accredited Workshop Hosted by Carroll College, Helena Area Chamber of Commerce, Helena College and Reach Higher Montana

​​​Intern Bridge Inc., an Austin, Texas-based research and consulting firm, will be presenting the Total Internship Management Workshop on June 5, 2019, at Carroll College. This workshop has been designed to serve the needs of companies and organizations seeking to create a structure or increase the ROI and success of their current internship, apprenticeship and entry-talent acquisition initiatives.

"Currently, the Department of Labor and Industry is working to address the workforce shortage by ramping up its support for apprenticeship programs,” stated Mark Lilrose, special programs coordinator for the Montana Department of Labor. “They are offering incentive grants up to $4,500 to start a new registered apprenticeship program and the State of Montana passed a tax credit for businesses of $750 for each apprentice they employ and $1,500 if the apprentice is a veteran. Apprenticeships have a positive return on investment as well as increasing retention."

Considering the statistics from a recent National Association of Colleges and Employers' (NACE) Experiential Education Survey showing that almost 40 percent of employers’ full-time, entry-level hires came from their internship and apprenticeship programs, companies are recognizing the value of having a structured talent pipeline via interns. Additionally, nearly two-thirds of interns are offered full-time positions after having had an internship with an organization.

Through countless hours of in-depth proprietary research, the six-hour “Total Internship Management” curricula for internship administration is a sure-fire strategy that all but guarantees that both organizations and interns will benefit from the effective implementation of an internship program. The process takes into account critical factors of internship programming including understanding what current students are seeking, program structure, choosing the best supervisor, marketing the opportunity, orientation, compensation, benefits, evaluation and so much more.

Wesley Feist, assistant director of the Carroll College Saints Success Center for Career Services, stated, "This workshop is outstanding. The templates, tools and resources provided will help employers ramp up their apprenticeship/internship opportunities quickly and efficiently."

To register for this event, please visit

For companies and organizations interested in beginning an intern program, the “Total Internship Management” course is accredited by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) for professional HR credits and is presented by Dr. Robert Shindell, president and CEO of Intern Bridge.

About Intern Bridge Inc.

Assisting employers to increase the ROI of their internship and entry-talent acquisition initiatives, Intern Bridge Inc., founded in 2007, is the nation’s premier experiential education research and consulting firm. The Total Internship Management methodology developed by Intern Bridge has been utilized by more than 10,000 companies and organization of all sizes to develop, enhance and grow their internship initiatives around the country. Please visit for more information.

Source: Intern Bridge, Inc.