The Roof Top Sprinkler System

The new Roof Top Sprinkler System keeps a roof wet when fire threatens and permits the owner to flee to safety.

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, billions of dollars worth of fire damage is done to residential homes each year. In October 1991, a firestorm, which began as a brush fire, spread up the hills and canyons of Oakland, California, killing 25 people and destroying more than 3,000 structures. Homes are often saved from spreading wildfires by a homeowner's staying behind to spray water onto the roof, but by staying, the homeowner risks serious or lethal injury. With the Roof Top Sprinkler System, the homeowner has the peace of mind that comes with knowing that he or she has done everything possible to protect the home and can flee to safety. The Roof Top Sprinkler System is a system of fire-protective sprinklers designed to fully cover and wet all areas of a roof in the event the structure is threatened by a spreading fire. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating an exceptional consumer response to the Roof Top Sprinkler System.

The Patent Pending Roof Top Sprinkler System was invented by Harold Johnson of Union City, CA, who said, "The Roof Top Sprinkler System has an array of strategically placed (covering all corners and the center of the structure), roof-mounted, long range water sprinkler heads. When activated, the sprinklers fully cover the surface of the roof with a continual spray, keeping the roof wet to reduce its susceptibility to airborne embers that can ignite a fire. An individually customizable system,. The Roof Top Sprinkler System is adaptable to any roof. Depending on the size, height, and layout of the structure and roof, the Roof Top Sprinkler System may be plumbed into the structure's existing plumbing system; under gutter installed piping; into its lawn-sprinkler system; or a separate auxiliary pump."

The inventor added, "If a fire threatens, a home owner can turn on the Roof Top Sprinkler System and then leave for his or her own safety. For those who live in areas susceptible to brush and forest fires, the Roof Top Sprinkler System may be the best investment they ever make in their property."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123

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