The EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle

The new EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle is a simple, efficient alternative to manually changing heavy water bottles on water cooler systems

Water coolers can be found in almost every business and institution, and also in many homes. While certainly convenient to have water at the flip of a switch, there is one disadvantage. Lifting the heavy replacement water bottle can sometimes result in injury and spillage. A simple, efficient alternative to manually changing those heavy water bottles is the EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle. The practical EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle offers a fresh supply of cool drinking water without requiring one to move heavy and cumbersome five gallon water jugs. A specially designed five gallon water bottle for use with standard water coolers, the EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle has a threaded lid incorporated into its design which can be removed in order to refill the bottle with fresh water. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating exceptional consumer interest in the EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle.

The Patent Pending EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle was invented by Will Lacey of Philadelphia, PA, who said, "Similar to traditional water bottles used on portable water coolers, the EZ refillable Water Cooler Bottle has an elongated neck, an open spout which is inserted into the water cooler's existing well, and a threaded cap which is removed before use. On one side of the EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle an integrated, oval shaped hand grip is molded into the bottle itself, for ease in handling and transporting."

The inventor added, "What makes the EZ Refillable Water Cooler Bottle different from standard water cooler bottles is the removable lid in the base of the bottle. When the EZ Refillable Water Bottle is inverted and mounted within the bottle cooler, this lid is at the top of the bottle and is a threaded covering that encompasses the base of the bottle completely. It has a series of integrated threaded fittings which run the perimeter of the interior of the lid. These fittings correspond with fittings that encircle the mouth of the base of the bottle's opening. A rubber or plastic gasket or comparable seal in the lid ensures the structural integrity of the unit. An integrated hand grip runs across the surface of the lid for easy removal and application of the lid during use."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123

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