"The Extended Fire Hose": A Set Of Special-Purpose Nozzles And Extender-Pipes

"The Extended Fire Hose" enables firefighters to reach & fight fires in interiors of structures at less risk to themselves.

Firefighting is one of the most dangerous occupations. One way to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries to firefighters is with the Extended Fire Hose. A set of special-purpose nozzles and extender-pipes, the Extended Fire Hose is used with standard fire hoses by firefighters. It is a motorized (using hydraulics) system that enables firefighters to achieve a straight-line extension of up to 45 feet, the end of which is a spherical high power sprinkler-head nozzle. This allows firefighters to successfully reach and fight fires in the interiors of structures at far less risk to themselves. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating an exceptional consumer interest in the Extended Fire Hose.

The Patent Pending Extended Fire Hose was invented by John Ceresani of Cherry Hill, NJ, who said, “The Extended Fire Hose is motorized and navigated into a building by firefighters using a heat sensor and camera which is mounted on the penetrating rod and controlled from the ground (or fire truck). Firefighters estimate the distance to be covered, then using the motorized system, extend the rods or sections as needed. The end of the water nozzle is sufficiently heavy-duty and reinforced to be thrust through walls where necessary with its rigid, pointed, piercing end. Once the Extended Fire Hose has been positioned with the terminal spray-nozzle situated where it offers the maximum coverage, the apparatus is energized with water or foam. The water or foam sprays in all directions from the spherical spray-head, providing ample coverage in areas not other wise accessible, and does this at a dramatically reduced risk to the firefighters.”

The inventor added, “The Extended Fire Hose achieves three purposes. First, it reaches and fights fires effectively inside the structures. Second it minimizes the risks to firefighters while covering more area. Third, it saves lives.”

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123 www.invents.com

Contact: Jeanne Nelson   Media Dept.:#7760   Tel: (212) 620-2629   Jeanne@invents.com

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Invents Company takes new invention ideas that are merely sketches or concepts in an inventor's head and develops them into finished, marketable products.

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