The Comforting Pillow Body For Lonely Nights

For those lonely nights, the comforting Pillow Body is a human body form that simulates the presence of a loved one.

For some people, their nights are plagued with insomnia and loneliness. The sleeper may be a child who is afraid of the dark, a lonely widow bereft in old age, a recently divorced young adult, or a married person whose spouse works at night or is long distances away. One way to ease the loneliness of sleeping alone and provide that sense of security needed for a good night's rest is with the Pillow Body. A body pillow fashioned in the form of the human body, the Pillow Body gives a sleeper the satisfying experience of coziness and reassuring support that comes from sleeping in the arms of a lover, companion, partner, or spouse.

The Pillow Body is fabricated of “memory foam”, which molds itself to the body's contours and gives supportive firmness. Replicating the general contours and proportions of a male or female torso, the Pillow Body can be produced in a variety of six sizes-a male and female model for children; a male and female model for young adults; and a male and female model for adults. Various body types can also be produced. A premium-quality pillowcase or cover is included, which is soft, comfortable, and machine-washable. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating an exceptional consumer interest in the Pillow Body.

The Patent Pending Pillow Body was invented by Johnny Garboa of West NY, NJ, who said, “The Pillow Body is a non-pharmaceutical sleep aid which provides the solitary sleeper with a supportive sense of closeness, simulating the presence of a loved one. It gives a person someone to 'hold', giving them a sense of safety and coziness.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123

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Invents Company takes new invention ideas that are merely sketches or concepts in an inventor's head and develops them into finished, marketable products.

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New York, NY

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