"Summer Breeze": Specially Designed Retractable Screen Mounted to the Lower Panel of a Garage Door

Invents introduces "Summer Breeze" which allows air to flow through home with secure and safe complementary screen door.

​The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes retract as: implies drawing back from an extended position or as with up and down to refer to any retrograde motion. This description more or less explains the operation of the Summer Breeze. The Summer Breeze is a specially designed retractable screen mounted to the lower panel of a garage door. It is designed to be retrofitted to an existing door or incorporated into the design of newly manufactured garage doors in order to provide an effective means of maintaining privacy and repelling insects and animals, all while still leaving the garage door open for air flow giving home comforting summer breezes.
One version of the Summer Breeze will slide up and down the garage door tracks and the other version is mounted on the tracks and attached to the lower side of the garage door. The Summer Breeze will slide up and down these tracks locking into either the extended or retracted position as needed. It is adaptable to both electrically powered doors or manual doors and has a sturdy metal framework. Televised test marketing has recently been completed indicating strong consumer interest in the Summer Breeze.
The Patent Pending Summer Breeze was invented by Daniel Pegg of Lake Forest, CA who said, “Air will freely circulate within the garage when Summer Breeze is installed. It permits cooling air to enter and enables the user to enjoy a cool and comfortable environment without fully opening the garage door. It is an instant barrier and blocks pest invasions as well as stray animals. It works perfectly.”

For More Information, Click HERE

EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Dept at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107—New York, NY.  Tel: 212-620-2629.  www.invents.com   

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue — Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123 

CONTACT: Jeanne Nelson   (646) 503-4817  Media Dept: 9343   Jeanne@invents.com

About Invents Company

Invents Company takes new invention ideas that are merely sketches or concepts in an inventor's head and develops them into finished, marketable products.

Invents Company
450 7th Avenue Ste 1107
New York, NY

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