Spinning In Circles and Learning From Myself—New Book Offers Unique Narrative on Society, Parenting, Autism, and Growing Up

Teague, TX, April 8, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Storytellers are powerful and we are all storytellers,” suggests Tsara Shelton, author of the new book Spinning in Circles And Learning From Myself: A Collection of Stories that Slowly Grow Up. In this book the author has collected mostly true stories that she’s written and published over the past ten years. With depth, candor, and a positive passion she explores issues such as poverty, prejudice, autism, and sexual abuse, searching for answers in the ways they’ve touched her life.
Tsara Shelton is the oldest daughter of international mental health expert Lynette Louise, aka The Brain Broad. Having grown up in a home overflowing with out of the box characters and a ferocious love for family, she was in a unique position to observe culture and society. Tsara was born with a typical brain and typical tendencies that were consistently and beautifully challenged by a not so typical family and lifestyle.
"It is seldom that a woman can live through so many intense experiences and somehow remain a person with a sunshine attitude. This book grows up and takes you with it. Must read."
Lynette Louise, The Brain Broad
“The stories we tell—in our minds or to our friends or in social media updates—create the world we live in. So I encourage myself, my children, and my friends to tell our stories with intention,” says the author, adding, “and I suggest we start now. Because the truth is, we are always telling our story, so finding a voice or narrative we’re comfortable with needs to happen sooner, not later.”
The book is an example of storytelling with intention. But it is also a brave and revealing book, which the author admits is her favorite style for both writing and reading. In the story Being Me Tsara talks about being molested as a twelve year old girl, while in the story Because My Mom Was Autistic, Our Answer Was Autism she explores the mistakes and assumptions often made by children with autistic parents. A popular online article Dear Poverty: It’s Not You, It’s Me is the author’s break up letter to poverty while her short story The Writer and The Mechanic offers a lovely glimpse into a comfortable and strange marriage. These stories offer thoughts on society while giving readers a gift that is also deeply personal. “When I’m writing I feel like I disappear into more of me,” admits the author.
Spinning in Circles and Learning from Myself is Tsara Shelton’s first book, published through Archway Publishing at the end of March, 2015. It is available through the author's website, Archway Publishing, and can also be found on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.
Tsara Shelton is a writer of musings, sipper of coffee, and addict of anything story. Having learned life exploring the edges of society, through storytelling she finds her footing in the world-as a mom, wife, daughter, and citizen. Tsara, her husband, and their four children live in both Texas and California.
Contact: Tsara Shelton Writer & Coffee Sipper
Po Box 524, Teague, TX 75860 www.tsarashelton.com 903-388-2014