Should I Spend the Extra Money on Anti Reflective Coating?

Our eyes are one of our most valuable assets, so it is important to treat them with respect by getting examinations and by upgrading glasses as needed.  However, when it comes to ordering new glasses, there are a lot of potentially confusing options to consider with regard to styles, materials and lenses.  Are you one of those people who, when buying glasses, asks yourself, "Should I spend the extra money on anti reflective coating?  The answer is a resounding, "Yes," and here is why:

The application of  anti reflective coating to lenses is a process that involves a technology called, "vacuum deposition." The lenses are first cleaned thoroughly, and searched for any types of scratches or other imperfections. These flaws can interfere with the process of applying the coating. After a number of cleaning methods are used, coating materials are charged with electrons, causing them to vaporize and adhere to the lenses' surfaces.  This creates an even, thin , anti reflective optical layer on the lens.

Anti reflective coating serves a multitude of practical purposes that can easily justify their cost. For instance certain types of anti reflective coatings can be supplemented with an additional coat to help them repel grease and water, making them easier to clean.

No one wants to look at a glaring light reflecting off someone's glasses. By reducing the reflection on the surfaces of the lenses, it is easier to make eye contact with someone else. Others can more easily see one's eyes and facial expressions.  This is especially helpful during conversations.  Anti reflective coating is especially useful when used on the types of glasses that reflect more light than plastic lenses.

Individuals who spend a lot of time working on computers can stand to benefit from anti reflective coating, by virtue of its ability to reduce the blue violet light rays that are emitted from the computer screen. These rays can cause eye strain and can also lead to headaches. The same holds true for people who are sensitive to glare while driving at night.  Anti reflective coating can help one see better at night, and also reduce eye strain.

When applied to the lenses of sunglasses on both sides, anti reflective coating can help prevent the UV rays of the sun from bouncing off the lenses and into the wearer's eyes while the person is facing away from the sun.  They can also help reflect the sun away from the eyes when the person faces the sun. This is an important function, because UV rays can contribute to macular degeneration. Exposure to UV rays can increase one's chances of getting cataracts. UV light is also known contribute to the growth of  a non-cancerous, pink growth that forms over the white of the eye.  This condition is sometimes referred to as "surfer's eye." 

Anti reflective coating can help cut down on UV rays' contribution to skin cancer around the eyelids by drastically reducing exposure to the area. It can also help prevent a condition called, "photokeratitis," also referred to as "snow blindness," which can cause temporary vision loss and which can also be very painful.

Without a doubt, spending the extra money to prevent damage to the eyes is more than worth the expense.  If you are in the process of deciding which options to include on your next pair of eyeglasses, anti reflective coating is one you do not want to omit.  For further information, please contact us.  We can assist in helping you make the best eye wear decisions, and help you narrow down the perfect options to include with your next pair of glasses.

Source: Phillips Safety Products

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