Seven Star Hand Solves Ancient Mysteries, Causing Panic Among Religious and Political Leaders
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, delivers proof, beyond disproof, of an extremely ancient spiritual and philosophical technology that predates all current religions and mystery schools.
Online, January 18, 2012 ( - The Vatican, and a rapidly growing number of religious leaders, are shocked and deeply dismayed by publication of long-hidden and amazingly damaging secrets about their religions within the book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols. The video trailer for the book has further inflamed the growing controversy. To truly understand why, watch the video before continuing if you haven't already.
Former software engineer, Buddy Page, also known as "Seven Star Hand," is the author of the book Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand. Throughout it, he presents stunning and comprehensive new evidence that leaves no room for doubt that all three so-called Faiths of Abraham are purposeful deceptions. The evidence also leaves no doubt that the Vatican and many other religious leaders have always known that pivotal ancient deceptions were at the heart of these religions.
For most of the last two millennia, Christian Rome oppressed and terrorized myriad souls for simply trying to understand the truth about ancient symbols and human existence. Mr. Buddy Page, also known as Seven Star Hand, reveals that even the present Vatican has been desperately struggling to prevent most people from ever understanding the whole truth about ancient symbols, but especially stars and angels, and the profound disproof and insights they encode about pivotal ancient mysteries and religious assertions.
Throughout the last decade, Seven Star Hand has been deeply involved in researching and reverse-engineering the symbology evidenced throughout the Hebrew canon and derivatives, which is easily shown to have come from ancient Egypt, and even before. These ancient symbols and the profound wisdom they encode are also a pivotal focus of Freemasonry. This provides insights into why those involved in similar esoteric endeavors over the centuries were so violently opposed by Christian Rome and why Freemasonry is still feared by the Vatican. Though Mr. Page is not a Freemason, his research proves that religious assertions about Freemasonry are mostly well-orchestrated lies and purposeful misdirection meant to prevent most people from understanding the truth about ancient symbols.
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols presents verifiable proof that ancient sages and prophets opposed religion and wisely never trusted religious leaders. In fact, they participated in a very long-term and well-orchestrated sting-operation against religion and purposefully hid vital secrets from religious leaders throughout the previous several millennia. Seven Star Hand further demonstrates proof that the details of this ancient sting-operation were always protected by a series of secretive groups, awaiting a very specific future time, hence now. Conversely, religious leaders and cohorts have gone to great lengths to oppose, confound, and misdirect any efforts that sought to reveal the truth and wisdom encoded within ancient symbols and alluded to throughout the heavily symbolic ancient mysteries.
When these decoded details are compared to the history, words, and deeds of these religions and their leaders, they finally prove the truth about many long-hidden things. The keys to unsealing the ancient mysteries surrounding the sages, prophets, and later esoteric groups were also purposely encoded throughout the symbology of their works. They expertly used symbols and symbolism as an advanced scientific and spiritual modeling language that also served as a multi-layered language code. The symbols and symbolism encode a hidden story line, advanced science, and profound spiritual wisdom that completely destroys pivotal assertions long made by religions and their leaders. The breadth and profundity of what was encoded by these ancient sage-scientists, and how they transmitted it to us across the ages, is absolutely mind-boggling. Both scientists and spiritual seekers will be amazed. At the same time, religious leaders will be greatly dismayed by this stunning exposure of the ancient secrets, lies, and errors at the core of all religions. Ergo, the true meaning of the long misused term "apocalypse" and its many ramifications and consequences.
Deeply controversial, was created to prove the truth behind ancient symbols and the directly related symbolism evidenced throughout most religious canons. These religions have always purposely imposed ignorance based on the deceptive recasting of earlier symbolic concepts and narratives; that also expertly encoded the keys to ancient wisdom as redundant proofs of the truth. Throughout Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, Seven Star Hand demonstrates redundant proof of a long secret ancient sting-operation designed to eventually expose the lies of these religions, at a very special time, hence now. and Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols deliver comprehensive proof that the symbology of the ancients was based on very precise science and natural observations that decisively prove its true meanings and purposes. This is also comprehensive proof that the symbolism common throughout many ancient texts, cannons, and concepts is an advanced and extremely ancient spiritual and philosophical technology that predates all current religions and mystery schools. Unfortunately for religious leaders, this completely exposes pivotal ancient lies and shreds any remaining veracity these religions might still claim.
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols provides the supporting proofs and rules for the symbology. provides links to download the free PDF e-Book version, as well as links to related articles and earlier releases. You may download the full PDF E-Book directly at the link below or visit the website for additional options, articles, and resources.
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