Planet TV Features Financial Educator of Montage Financial to Demonstrate the Potential Benefits of Life Settlements

Planet TV presents entrepreneurs with a greater purpose than expanding their own business; Blaine Cook founded his organization to earn a platform which educates people on improving their financial circumstances.

Since the company's founding in 2002, Montage Financial has facilitated billions of dollars' worth of life settlement sales.

​Planet TV highlights Founder and President of Montage Financial Group, Blaine Cook, who advanced his own financial education working his way to a CEO position at Dansk Specialty Foods.

Following his completion of a Finance BA degree at the University of California in Pomona, Blaine Cook took everything he learned along with him as he ascended the corporate ladder. He offered his knowledge and talents to various struggling companies in order to help them acquire capital and expand. His leadership in his field led him to opening his own firm in which he could reach out to more people and assist them in understanding the full potential of their life insurance policies in the numerous circumstances where a life settlement could make life easier. 

The Montage Financial Group strives to help people understand the monetary value of their life insurance policies. 

A life settlement is the sale of one’s life insurance to a third party for less than the net death benefit, but more than the cash surrender value. Of the various reasons an insured policyholder would want to explore the options of a life settlement are divorce, high premium payments, a lack of necessity or interest in a life policy, the goal to increase retirement income, the desire to switch to a different kind of life insurance policy, funding expensive medical procedures, etc.  

Blaine Cook noticed very few people saw their life insurance policies as strong financial assets. He observed how most people were under the impression the only options with life insurance were holding and surrendering coverage. Moreover, most people didn’t understand where to begin to find a broker or a responsible representative with the ability to explain the worth of their policy. 

Since the company’s founding in 2002, Montage Financial has facilitated billions of dollars’ worth of life settlement sales. 

The proceeds to the consumer at Montage Financial Group during 2017 averaged to 17% of the policy net death benefit. These same life policies rendered 1% of the death benefit through the surrender option per insurer. Considering a growing number of seniors enter retirement with a shortfall in savings, Cook feels life settlements are to be viewed as a valuable method for supplementing retirement or funding other financial goals. provides answers to frequently asked questions about life settlements.

Montage Financial Group offers a proven financial strategy to accredited and institutional investors by analyzing actuarial assumptions and studying medical histories. Montage Financial Group is skilled in handling and understanding the current laws and regulations facing life settlement procedures to include informational disclosures and licensed brokers. Montage Financial Group monitors the entire process, verifying the broker, life settlement provider, and any life insurance agents are in compliance with the current legal regulations.  

For more information about Blaine Cook and Montage Financial, visit their website, call (877) 609-7700, or e-mail

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Source: Planet TV Studios