One Little Girl's Dream Versus the Big Business Players

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Germany, February 19, 2018 ( - Maybe all we need is that a woman takes the first step. A student start-up YuliApp from Frankfurt (Germany) rethinks the global internet shopping and offers an alternative to big players like Amazon, eBay or Alibaba, who are slowly creeping into the internet monopoly.
Value 1: Offer, Improve, Help
On Pre-Meeting for TEDx, Yulia Gorinshteyn (CEO) said: "YuliApp believes, that future of the online shopping lays in the crowd and open-sourcing." It is all started with those supermarket chains replacing most of the small business, especially in smaller cities. A similar thing is happening, slowly, but steadily, on the internet right now. Many internet shops had to give up because of the increasing sale provisions on the global marketplaces. The consequence is, that one-day people will have only one choice, and that is profit-only mass production. YuliApp does not want to reverse the process, instead take a huge step forward and give power to small business owners and their customers.
YuliApp believes that the future of online shopping rests with crowd and open-sourcing.
Yulia Gorinshteyn, CEO, YuliApp
YuliApp - Global Local Online Shop for Everything
YuliApp connects local businesses, non-profit organisations and just people with their audience to help them oppose the global players.
YuliApp gives local shops provision-free, zero-IT-effort online-shop as a way to compete with strong global giants. It has built-in crowd-sourced support and delivery too reducing the effort, especially on start, to a minimum.
YuliApp started a transition into the free open-source community, releasing global product database and messenger app between delivery, customers, and manufacturers. Complete transition to open-source is planned for the end of 2018.
The centralized control provides a lot of marketing and profit advantages but removes individuality and local influence. YuliApp returns power to local communities by defining Depots; forums which share interest, location or both and allows react on local issues and support the local manufacturers. YuliApp aims to improve the regional communities by promoting the local manufacturers and shops.
YuliApp's Shopping Fairies are the connection between businesses and customers. They help customers with decisions, to locate the right product or service. They deliver or prepare packages for traditional shipping. Further, as they can purchase from shops which are not even registered by YuliApp, expanding possibilities of what YuliApp can do for each local community.
Value 2: Free Shipping is deceptive marketing
YuliApp recognizes the significance of transparency. Especially when it concerns the clarity of costs through the entire distribution chain. This allows not only the shop to see profits made, but helps customers understand where their money goes too. This can help users with decision making, and further improve the community. YuliApp's shops do not pay any provision and all profit is made only on added value for all interested parties.
Zero ads as a standard
Users have a choice to opt in or out of advertisements. YuliApp does not use regular advertisement platforms to strengthen the relationship between manufacturers, shops, and customers. Customers can opt-in to view ads based on their interests and in exchange receive financial or in-store rewards.
YuliApp is already well established in its home country of Germany and seeks expansion around the world. YuliApp is available for Android and Apple devices, tablets, and PCs. It can be accessed in the app store or on the web.
YuliApp presently has over 18,000 users around the world and is constantly growing.
YuliApp uses Kickstarter campaigns to finance part of the expansion efforts. The actual campaign can be found at the following address:
For media-kit, cooperation or more information, please contact YuliApp.
Included ad examples in this press release are featuring CEO Yulia.
Source: YuliApp