NOTICE: Pace Meeting of the Board of Directors - Open Session on September 13, 2017

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., September 11, 2017 (
Meeting of
The Suburban Bus Division of the RTA
550 West Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Board of Directors – Open Session
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
4:30 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the August 9, 2017 Open Session minutes.
3. Public Comment
4. Chairman’s Report
A. Chairman Kwasneski’s report on activities during the past month.
B. RTA Strategic Plan Update.
5. Directors’ Reports
The Directors report on Pace-related activities during the past month.
6. Executive Director’s Report
Executive Director reports on Pace-related activities during the past month.
7. Action Items
A. Ordinance authorizing the award of a contract to First Student, Inc. for
Naperville Fixed Route Feeder Service.
B. Ordinance authorizing the award of a GSA cooperative contract to Apollo
Video Technology, LLC for Vehicle Information Management (ViM)
Software and Maintenance.
C. Ordinance authorizing the award of a contract to Mansfield Oil Company
of Gainesville, Inc. for Tax Exempt Fuel Card Services.
D. Ordinance authorizing a change order to Contract Number 210888 with
First Transit, Inc. for Will County Paratransit Call-n-Ride Services.
E. Ordinance authorizing the award of a GSA cooperative contract to Lytx,
Inc. for Managed Licenses and Subscription Services for DriveCam
Equipment for Fixed Route Vehicles.
F. Ordinance authorizing approval of the Pace Title VI Program, effective
through June 1, 2019.
G. Ordinance authorizing approval of a change order to Contract Number
225678 with Pacific Construction Services, Inc. for I-90 IL 25 Park-n-Ride
8. Issues/Discussions/Reports
A. Suburban Service and Regional ADA Budget Results – July 2017
B. Financial Statement for the Month Ending – July 2017
C. 2018 Budget
1. Suburban Services Budget Staff will review the 2018 budget outlook for the
Suburban Services program.
2. ADA Program Budget Staff will review the 2018 budget outlook for the ADA
Paratransit program.
3. Capital Program Staff will review the proposed Capital program for 2018 and
the 5-year Capital Plan.
D. 2018 Budget Public Hearing Schedule
9. Closed Session
A. Closed Session Minutes (Section 2-C-21)
B. Pending Litigation (Section 2-C-11)
C. Employment Matters (Section 2-C-1)
10. Reconvene
A. Approval of the July 12, 2017 Closed Session minutes.
B. Action on the settlement recommendation in the case of Whitney v. Roberts
and Pace, Case No. 15 L 002954.
C. Action on the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel for Pace.
12. Adjournment
Source: Pace Suburban Bus Service